
Mainly a port of Rust's std.
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Raw.cs (41018B)

      1 using Std.Clone;
      2 using Std.Convert;
      3 using static Std.Hashbrown.Raw.Functions;
      4 using Std.Hashbrown.Raw.Bitmask;
      5 using Std.Hashbrown.Raw.SSE2;
      6 using Std.Iter;
      7 using Std.Maybe;
      8 using Std.Num;
      9 using Std.Ops;
     10 using Std.Result;
     11 using System;
     12 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
     13 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
     14 #region Namespaces
     15 namespace Std.Hashbrown.Raw {
     16     #region Types
     17     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 0)]
     18     readonly struct NonNull<T>: IClone<NonNull<T>>, IInto<NonNull<T>> where T: notnull {
     20         #region Type-level Constructors
     21         #endregion
     23         #region Instance Constructors
     24         public NonNull() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
     25         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     26         internal NonNull(T[] ptr, ulong index) => (_ptr, _index) = (ptr, index);
     27         #endregion
     29         #region Type-level Fields
     30         #endregion
     32         #region Instance Fields
     33         internal readonly T[] _ptr;
     34         internal readonly ulong _index;
     35         #endregion
     37         #region Type-level Properties
     38         #endregion
     40         #region Instance Properties
     41         internal readonly ref readonly T Get() => ref _ptr[(int)_index];
     42         internal readonly ref T GetMut() => ref _ptr[(int)_index];
     43         #endregion
     45         #region Type-level Functions
     46         #endregion
     48         #region Instance Functions
     49         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     50         internal readonly NonNull<T> Add(ulong count) => new(_ptr, _index + count);
     51         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     52         internal readonly NonNull<T> AsPtr() => this;
     53         public readonly NonNull<T> Clone() => this;
     54         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     55         internal readonly Unit CopyFromNonoverlapping(NonNull<T> src, ulong count) {
     57             Array.Copy(src._ptr, (long)src._index, _ptr, (long)_index, (long)count);
     58             return new Unit();
     59         }
     60         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
     61         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
     62         public readonly NonNull<T> Into() => this;
     63         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     64         internal readonly ulong OffsetFrom(NonNull<T> from) => _index - from._index;
     65         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     66         internal readonly T Read() => _ptr[(int)_index];
     67         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     68         internal readonly NonNull<T> Sub(ulong count) => new(_ptr, _index - count);
     69         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
     70         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     71         readonly Result<NonNull<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<NonNull<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
     72         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     73         internal readonly Unit Write(T val) {
     75             _ptr[(int)_index] = val;
     76             return new Unit();
     77         }
     78         #endregion
     80         #region Operators
     81         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     82         public static bool operator !=(NonNull<T> val0, NonNull<T> val1) => !(val0 == val1);
     83         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     84         public static bool operator <(NonNull<T> val0, NonNull<T> val1){
     86             unsafe {
     87                 var reference0 = __makeref(val0._ptr[0]);
     88                 var reference1 = __makeref(val1._ptr[0]);
     89                 var val = (*(ulong*)&reference0).CompareTo(*(ulong*)&reference1);
     90                 return val < 0 || (val == 0 && val0._index < val1._index);
     91             }
     92         }
     93         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     94         public static bool operator <=(NonNull<T> val0, NonNull<T> val1) => val0 < val1 || val0 == val1;
     95         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     96         public static bool operator ==(NonNull<T> val0, NonNull<T> val1) => ReferenceEquals(val0._ptr, val1._ptr) && val0._index == val1._index;
     97         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
     98         public static bool operator >(NonNull<T> val0, NonNull<T> val1) => !(val0 <= val1);
     99         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    100         public static bool operator >=(NonNull<T> val0, NonNull<T> val1) => !(val0 < val1);
    101         #endregion
    103         #region Types
    104         #endregion
    105     }
    106     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 0)]
    107     readonly struct Bucket<T>: IClone<Bucket<T>>, IInto<Bucket<T>> where T: notnull {
    109         #region Type-level Constructors
    110         #endregion
    112         #region Instance Constructors
    113         public Bucket() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    114         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    115         Bucket(NonNull<T> ptr) => _ptr = ptr;
    116         #endregion
    118         #region Type-level Fields
    119         #endregion
    121         #region Instance Fields
    122         readonly NonNull<T> _ptr;
    123         #endregion
    125         #region Type-level Properties
    126         #endregion
    128         #region Instance Properties
    129         #endregion
    131         #region Type-level Functions
    132         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    133         internal static Bucket<T> FromBaseIndex(NonNull<T> @base, ulong index) => new(@base.AsPtr().Sub(index));
    134         #endregion
    136         #region Instance Functions
    137         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    138         internal readonly ref T AsMut() => ref AsPtr().GetMut();
    139         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    140         readonly NonNull<T> AsPtr() => _ptr.AsPtr().Sub(1ul);
    141         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    142         internal readonly ref readonly T AsRef() => ref AsPtr().Get();
    143         public readonly Bucket<T> Clone() => new(_ptr);
    144         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    145         internal readonly Unit CopyFromNonoverlapping(in Bucket<T> other) => AsPtr().CopyFromNonoverlapping(other.AsPtr(), 1ul);
    146         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    147         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    148         public readonly Bucket<T> Into() => this;
    149         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    150         internal readonly Bucket<T> NextN(ulong offset) => new(_ptr.AsPtr().Sub(offset));
    151         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    152         internal readonly T Read() => AsPtr().Read();
    153         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    154         internal readonly ulong ToBaseIndex(NonNull<T> @base) => @base.AsPtr().OffsetFrom(_ptr.AsPtr());
    155         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    156         readonly Result<Bucket<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<Bucket<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    157         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    158         internal readonly Unit Write(T val) => AsPtr().Write(val);
    159         #endregion
    161         #region Operators
    162         #endregion
    164         #region Types
    165         #endregion
    166     }
    167     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 8, Size = 24)]
    168     struct ProbeSeq: IInto<ProbeSeq>, IIterator<ulong> {
    170         #region Type-level Constructors
    171         #endregion
    173         #region Instance Constructors
    174         public ProbeSeq() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    175         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    176         internal ProbeSeq(ulong bucketMask, ulong pos, ulong stride) => (_bucketMask, _pos, _stride) = (bucketMask, pos, stride);
    177         #endregion
    179         #region Type-level Fields
    180         #endregion
    182         #region Instance Fields
    183         [FieldOffset(0)] readonly ulong _bucketMask;
    184         [FieldOffset(8)] internal ulong _pos;
    185         [FieldOffset(16)] ulong _stride;
    186         #endregion
    188         #region Type-level Properties
    189         #endregion
    191         #region Instance Properties
    192         #endregion
    194         #region Type-level Functions
    195         #endregion
    197         #region Instance Functions
    198         public Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceBy(ulong n) => IIterator<ulong>.AdvanceByDefault(ref this, n);
    199         public ulong Count() => IIterator<ulong>.CountDefault(ref this);
    200         public TInit Fold<TInit>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, ulong, TInit> f) where TInit: notnull => IIterator<ulong>.FoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    201         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    202         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    203         public readonly ProbeSeq Into() => this;
    204         public Maybe<ulong> Last() => IIterator<ulong>.LastDefault(ref this);
    205         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    206         public Maybe<ulong> Next() {
    207             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_stride <= _bucketMask);
    208             var res = _pos;
    209             _stride += Group.WIDTH;
    210             _pos += _stride;
    211             _pos &= _bucketMask;
    212             return new(res);
    213         }
    214         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    215         public Result<TInit, TErr> TryFold<TInit, TErr>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, ulong, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull => IIterator<ulong>.TryFoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    216         readonly Result<ProbeSeq, Bottom> ITryInto<ProbeSeq, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    217         #endregion
    219         #region Operators
    220         #endregion
    222         #region Types
    223         #endregion
    224     }
    225     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 0)]
    226     struct RawIterRange<T>: IClone<RawIterRange<T>>, IInto<RawIterRange<T>>, IFusedIterator<Bucket<T>> where T: notnull {
    228         #region Type-level Constructors
    229         #endregion
    231         #region Instance Constructors
    232         public RawIterRange() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    233         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    234         RawIterRange(Bucket<T> data, NonNull<byte> nextCtrl, NonNull<byte> end, BitMask currentGroup) => (_data, _nextCtrl, _end, _currentGroup) = (data, nextCtrl, end, currentGroup);
    235         #endregion
    237         #region Type-level Fields
    238         #endregion
    240         #region Instance Fields
    241         Bucket<T> _data;
    242         NonNull<byte> _nextCtrl;
    243         readonly NonNull<byte> _end;
    244         BitMask _currentGroup;
    245         #endregion
    247         #region Type-level Properties
    248         #endregion
    250         #region Instance Properties
    251         #endregion
    253         #region Type-level Functions
    254         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    255         internal static RawIterRange<T> New(NonNull<byte> ctrl, Bucket<T> data, ulong len) {
    256             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(len != ulong.MinValue);
    257             var end = ctrl.Add(len);
    258             BitMask currentGroup;
    259             unsafe {
    260                 fixed (byte* ptr = &ctrl._ptr[(int)ctrl._index]) {
    261                     currentGroup = Group.LoadAligned(ptr).MatchFull();
    262                 }
    263             }
    264             var nextCtrl = ctrl.Add(Group.WIDTH);
    265             return new(data, nextCtrl, end, currentGroup);
    266         }
    267         #endregion
    269         #region Instance Functions
    270         public Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceBy(ulong n) => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.AdvanceByDefault(ref this, n);
    271         public readonly RawIterRange<T> Clone() => new(_data.Clone(), _nextCtrl.Clone(), _end, _currentGroup);
    272         public ulong Count() => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.CountDefault(ref this);
    273         public TInit Fold<TInit>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, Bucket<T>, TInit> f) where TInit: notnull => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.FoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    274         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    275         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    276         public readonly RawIterRange<T> Into() => this;
    277         public Maybe<Bucket<T>> Last() => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.LastDefault(ref this);
    278         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    279         public Maybe<Bucket<T>> Next() {
    281             unsafe {
    282                 while (true) {
    283                     var index = _currentGroup.LowestSetBit();
    285                     if (index.IsSome) {
    286                         _currentGroup = _currentGroup.RemoveLowestBit();
    287                         return new(_data.NextN(index._some));
    288                     } else if (_nextCtrl >= _end) {
    289                         return Maybe<Bucket<T>>.None();
    290                     } else {
    292                         fixed (byte* ptr = &_nextCtrl._ptr[(int)_nextCtrl._index]) {
    293                             _currentGroup = Group.LoadAligned(ptr).MatchFull();
    294                         }
    295                         _data = _data.NextN(Group.WIDTH);
    296                         _nextCtrl = _nextCtrl.Add(Group.WIDTH);
    297                     }
    298                 }
    299             }
    300         }
    301         public readonly Prod<ulong, Maybe<ulong>> SizeHint() => new(ulong.MinValue, new(_end.OffsetFrom(_nextCtrl) + Group.WIDTH));
    302         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    303         public Result<TInit, TErr> TryFold<TInit, TErr>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, Bucket<T>, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.TryFoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    304         readonly Result<RawIterRange<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<RawIterRange<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    305         #endregion
    307         #region Operators
    308         #endregion
    310         #region Types
    311         #endregion
    312     }
    313     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 0)]
    314     struct RawIter<T>: IClone<RawIter<T>>, IInto<RawIter<T>>, IExactSizeIterator<Bucket<T>>, IFusedIterator<Bucket<T>> where T: notnull {
    316         #region Type-level Constructors
    317         #endregion
    319         #region Instance Constructors
    320         public RawIter() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    321         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    322         internal RawIter(RawIterRange<T> iter, ulong items) => (_iter, _items) = (iter, items);
    323         #endregion
    325         #region Type-level Fields
    326         #endregion
    328         #region Instance Fields
    329         RawIterRange<T> _iter;
    330         ulong _items;
    331         #endregion
    333         #region Type-level Properties
    334         #endregion
    336         #region Instance Properties
    337         #endregion
    339         #region Type-level Functions
    340         #endregion
    342         #region Instance Functions
    343         public Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceBy(ulong n) => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.AdvanceByDefault(ref this, n);
    344         public readonly RawIter<T> Clone() => new(_iter.Clone(), _items);
    345         public ulong Count() => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.CountDefault(ref this);
    346         public TInit Fold<TInit>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, Bucket<T>, TInit> f) where TInit: notnull => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.FoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    347         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    348         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    349         public readonly RawIter<T> Into() => this;
    350         public readonly bool IsEmpty() => Len() == ulong.MinValue;
    351         public Maybe<Bucket<T>> Last() => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.LastDefault(ref this);
    352         public readonly ulong Len() => SizeHint().Item0;
    353         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    354         public Maybe<Bucket<T>> Next() {
    356             var val = _iter.Next();
    358             if (val.IsSome) {
    359                 _items -= 1ul;
    360                 return val;
    361             } else {
    362                 System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_items == ulong.MinValue);
    363                 return Maybe<Bucket<T>>.None();
    364             }
    365         }
    366         public readonly Prod<ulong, Maybe<ulong>> SizeHint() => new(_items, new(_items));
    367         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    368         public Result<TInit, TErr> TryFold<TInit, TErr>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, Bucket<T>, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.TryFoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    369         readonly Result<RawIter<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<RawIter<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    370         #endregion
    372         #region Operators
    373         #endregion
    375         #region Types
    376         #endregion
    377     }
    378     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 0)]
    379     struct RawIntoIter<T>: IInto<RawIntoIter<T>>, IExactSizeIterator<T>, IFusedIterator<T> where T: notnull {
    381         #region Type-level Constructors
    382         #endregion
    384         #region Instance Constructors
    385         public RawIntoIter() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    386         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    387         internal RawIntoIter(RawIter<T> iter) => _iter = iter;
    388         #endregion
    390         #region Type-level Fields
    391         #endregion
    393         #region Instance Fields
    394         RawIter<T> _iter;
    395         #endregion
    397         #region Type-level Properties
    398         #endregion
    400         #region Instance Properties
    401         #endregion
    403         #region Type-level Functions
    404         #endregion
    406         #region Instance Functions
    407         public Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceBy(ulong n) => IIterator<T>.AdvanceByDefault(ref this, n);
    408         public ulong Count() => IIterator<T>.CountDefault(ref this);
    409         public TInit Fold<TInit>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, TInit> f) where TInit: notnull => IIterator<T>.FoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    410         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    411         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    412         public readonly RawIntoIter<T> Into() => this;
    413         public readonly bool IsEmpty() => Len() == ulong.MinValue;
    414         public readonly RawIter<T> Iter() => _iter.Clone();
    415         public Maybe<T> Last() => IIterator<T>.LastDefault(ref this);
    416         public readonly ulong Len() => SizeHint().Item0;
    417         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    418         public Maybe<T> Next() {
    419             var next = _iter.Next();
    420             return next.IsSome ? new(next._some.Read()) : Maybe<T>.None();
    421         }
    422         public readonly Prod<ulong, Maybe<ulong>> SizeHint() => _iter.SizeHint();
    423         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    424         public Result<TInit, TErr> TryFold<TInit, TErr>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull => IIterator<T>.TryFoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    425         readonly Result<RawIntoIter<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<RawIntoIter<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    426         #endregion
    428         #region Operators
    429         #endregion
    431         #region Types
    432         #endregion
    433     }
    434     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 0)]
    435     struct RawTable<T>: IInto<RawTable<T>>, IIntoIterator<T, RawIntoIter<T>> where T: notnull {
    437         #region Type-level Constructors
    438         #endregion
    440         #region Instance Constructors
    441         public RawTable() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    442         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    443         internal RawTable(ulong bucketMask, byte[] ctrl, ulong growthLeft, ulong items, T[] table) => (_bucketMask, _ctrl, _growthLeft, _items, _table) = (bucketMask, ctrl, growthLeft, items, table);
    444         #endregion
    446         #region Type-level Fields
    447         #endregion
    449         #region Instance Fields
    450         internal byte[] _ctrl;
    451         internal T[] _table;
    452         internal ulong _bucketMask;
    453         internal ulong _growthLeft;
    454         internal ulong _items;
    455         #endregion
    457         #region Type-level Properties
    458         #endregion
    460         #region Instance Properties
    461         #endregion
    463         #region Type-level Functions
    464         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    465         internal static RawTable<T> New() => new(ulong.MinValue, Group.EMPTY_GROUP, ulong.MinValue, ulong.MinValue, Array.Empty<T>());
    466         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    467         static RawTable<T> NewUninitialized(ulong buckets) {
    468             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(buckets.IsPowerOfTwo());
    469             var val = CalculateLayout<T>(buckets);
    470             return new(buckets - 1ul, val.Item1, BucketMaskToCapacity(buckets - 1ul), ulong.MinValue, val.Item0);
    471         }
    472         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    473         internal static RawTable<T> WithCapacity(ulong capacity) {
    475             if (capacity == ulong.MinValue) {
    476                 return New();
    477             } else {
    478                 var buckets = CapacityToBuckets<ulong>(capacity).Unwrap();
    479                 var result = NewUninitialized(buckets);
    480                 _ = result._ctrl.WriteBytes(ulong.MinValue, EMPTY, result.NumCtrlBytes());
    481                 return result;
    482             }
    483         }
    484         #endregion
    486         #region Instance Functions
    487         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    488         internal readonly Bucket<T> Bucket(ulong index) {
    489             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_bucketMask != ulong.MinValue);
    490             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index < Buckets());
    491             return Bucket<T>.FromBaseIndex(new(_table, DataEnd()), index);
    492         }
    493         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    494         readonly ulong BucketIndex(in Bucket<T> bucket) => bucket.ToBaseIndex(new(_table, DataEnd()));
    495         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    496         internal readonly ulong Buckets() => _bucketMask + 1ul;
    497         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    498         internal readonly ulong Capacity() => _items + _growthLeft;
    499         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    500         internal Unit Clear() {
    502             if (!IsEmptySingleton()) {
    503                 _ = _ctrl.WriteBytes(ulong.MinValue, EMPTY, NumCtrlBytes());
    504             }
    505             _items = ulong.MinValue;
    506             _growthLeft = BucketMaskToCapacity(_bucketMask);
    507             return new Unit();
    508         }
    509         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    510         readonly ulong DataEnd() => (ulong)_table.Length;
    511         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    512         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    513         internal Unit Erase(Bucket<T> item) {
    515             var index = BucketIndex(in item);
    516             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(IsFull(_ctrl[(int)index]));
    517             var indexBefore = (index.WrappingSub(Group.WIDTH)) & _bucketMask;
    518             BitMask emptyBefore;
    519             unsafe {
    520                 fixed (byte* ptr = &_ctrl[(int)indexBefore]) {
    521                     emptyBefore = Group.Load(ptr).MatchEmpty();
    522                 }
    523             }
    524             BitMask emptyAfter;
    525             unsafe {
    526                 fixed (byte* ptr = &_ctrl[(int)index]) {
    527                     emptyAfter = Group.Load(ptr).MatchEmpty();
    528                 }
    529             }
    530             byte ctrl;
    532             if (emptyBefore.LeadingZeros() + emptyAfter.TrailingZeros() >= Group.WIDTH) {
    533                 ctrl = DELETED;
    534             } else {
    535                 _growthLeft += 1ul;
    536                 ctrl = EMPTY;
    537             }
    538             _items -= 1ul;
    539             return SetCtrl(index, ctrl);
    540         }
    541         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    542         internal readonly Maybe<Bucket<T>> Find(ulong hash, FnIn<T, bool> eq) {
    543             var iterHash = IterHash(hash);
    544             Maybe<Bucket<T>> bucket;
    546             while ((bucket = iterHash.Next()).IsSome) {
    547                 ref readonly var elm = ref bucket._some.AsRef();
    549                 if (eq(in elm)) {
    550                     return new(bucket._some);
    551                 }
    552             }
    553             return Maybe<Bucket<T>>.None();
    554         }
    555         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    556         readonly ulong FindInsertSlot(ulong hash) {
    558             var probe = ProbeSeq(hash);
    559             Maybe<ulong> pos;
    560             unsafe {
    561                 while ((pos = probe.Next()).IsSome) {
    563                     Maybe<ulong> bit;
    564                     fixed (byte* ptr = &_ctrl[(int)pos._some]) {
    565                         bit = Group.Load(ptr).MatchEmptyOrDeleted().LowestSetBit();
    566                     }
    568                     if (bit.IsSome) {
    569                         var result = (pos._some + bit._some) & _bucketMask;
    571                         if (IsFull(_ctrl[(int)result])) {
    572                             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_bucketMask < Group.WIDTH);
    573                             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pos._some != ulong.MinValue);
    575                             fixed (byte* ptr = &_ctrl[0]) {
    576                                 return Group.LoadAligned(ptr).MatchEmptyOrDeleted().LowestSetBitNonZero();
    577                             }
    578                         } else {
    579                             return result;
    580                         }
    581                     }
    582                 }
    583             }
    584             throw new InvalidOperationException("There is a bug in Std.Hashbrown.Raw.RawTable.FindInsertSlot! An empty slot in the hash map was never found which should be impossible.");
    585         }
    586         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    587         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    588         internal Bucket<T> Insert(ulong hash, T value, FnIn<T, ulong> hasher) {
    589             var index = FindInsertSlot(hash);
    590             var oldCtrl = _ctrl[(int)index];
    592             if (_growthLeft == ulong.MinValue && SpecialIsEmpty(oldCtrl)) {
    593                 _ = Reserve(1ul, hasher);
    594                 index = FindInsertSlot(hash);
    595             }
    596             var bucket = Bucket(index);
    597             _growthLeft -= SpecialIsEmpty(oldCtrl) ? 1ul : ulong.MinValue;
    598             _ = SetCtrl(index, H2(hash));
    599             _ = bucket.Write(value);
    600             _items += 1ul;
    601             return bucket;
    602         }
    603         public readonly RawTable<T> Into() => this;
    604         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    605         public readonly RawIntoIter<T> IntoIter() {
    606             var iter = Iter();
    607             return IntoIterFrom(in iter);
    608         }
    609         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    610         internal readonly RawIntoIter<T> IntoIterFrom(in RawIter<T> iter) {
    611             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(iter.Len() == Len());
    612             return new(iter);
    613         }
    614         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    615         readonly bool IsEmptySingleton() => _bucketMask == ulong.MinValue;
    616         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    617         internal readonly RawIter<T> Iter() {
    619             var data = Bucket<T>.FromBaseIndex(new(_table, DataEnd()), ulong.MinValue);
    620             return new(RawIterRange<T>.New(new(_ctrl, ulong.MinValue), data, Buckets()), _items);
    621         }
    622         readonly RawIterHash<T> IterHash(ulong hash) => RawIterHash<T>.New(this, hash);
    623         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    624         internal readonly ulong Len() => _items;
    625         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    626         readonly ulong NumCtrlBytes() => _bucketMask + 1ul + Group.WIDTH;
    627         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    628         internal readonly ProbeSeq ProbeSeq(ulong hash) => new(_bucketMask, H1(hash) & _bucketMask, ulong.MinValue);
    629         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]
    630         Unit RehashInPlace(FnIn<T, ulong> hasher) {
    631             unsafe {
    632                 fixed (byte* ptr = _ctrl) {
    633                     for (var i = ulong.MinValue; i < Buckets(); i += Group.WIDTH) {
    634                         _ = Group.LoadAligned(ptr + i).ConvertSpecialToEmptyAndFullToDeleted().StoreAligned(ptr + i);
    635                     }
    636                 }
    637             }
    638             if (Buckets() < Group.WIDTH) {
    639                 Array.Copy(_ctrl, 0L, _ctrl, (long)Group.WIDTH, (long)Buckets());
    640             } else {
    641                 Array.Copy(_ctrl, 0L, _ctrl, (long)Buckets(), (long)Group.WIDTH);
    642             }
    644             for (var i = ulong.MinValue; i < Buckets(); i++) {
    646                 if (_ctrl[(int)i] != DELETED) {
    647                     continue;
    648                 }
    649                 while (true) {
    650                     var item = Bucket(i);
    651                     var hash = hasher(in item.AsRef());
    652                     var newI = FindInsertSlot(hash);
    653                     var copy = this;
    654                     ulong probeIndex(ulong pos) => ((pos - copy.ProbeSeq(hash)._pos) & copy._bucketMask) / Group.WIDTH;
    656                     if (probeIndex(i) == probeIndex(newI)) {
    657                         _ = SetCtrl(i, H2(hash));
    658                         break;
    659                     }
    660                     var prevCtrl = _ctrl[(int)newI];
    661                     _ = SetCtrl(newI, H2(hash));
    663                     if (prevCtrl == EMPTY) {
    664                         _ = SetCtrl(i, EMPTY);
    665                         _ = Bucket(newI).CopyFromNonoverlapping(in item);
    666                         break;
    667                     } else {
    668                         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(prevCtrl == DELETED);
    669                         (Bucket(newI).AsMut(), item.AsMut()) = (item.AsMut(), Bucket(newI).AsMut());
    670                         continue;
    671                     }
    672                 }
    673             }
    674             _growthLeft = BucketMaskToCapacity(_bucketMask) - _items;
    675             return new Unit();
    676         }
    677         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    678         internal T Remove(Bucket<T> item) {
    680             var index = BucketIndex(in item);
    681             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(IsFull(_ctrl[(int)index]));
    682             var indexBefore = (index - Group.WIDTH) & _bucketMask;
    683             BitMask emptyBefore;
    684             unsafe {
    685                 fixed (byte* ptr = &_ctrl[(int)indexBefore]) {
    686                     emptyBefore = Group.Load(ptr).MatchEmpty();
    687                 }
    688             }
    689             BitMask emptyAfter;
    690             unsafe {
    691                 fixed (byte* ptr = &_ctrl[(int)index]) {
    692                     emptyAfter = Group.Load(ptr).MatchEmpty();
    693                 }
    694             }
    695             byte ctrl;
    697             if (emptyBefore.LeadingZeros() + emptyAfter.TrailingZeros() >= Group.WIDTH) {
    698                 ctrl = DELETED;
    699             } else {
    700                 _growthLeft += 1ul;
    701                 ctrl = EMPTY;
    702             }
    703             _items -= 1ul;
    704             _ = SetCtrl(index, ctrl);
    705             return item.Read();
    706         }
    707         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    708         internal Unit Reserve(ulong additional, FnIn<T, ulong> hasher) {
    710             if (additional > _growthLeft) {
    711                 _ = ReserveRehash(additional, hasher);
    712             }
    713             return new Unit();
    714         }
    715         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)]
    716         Unit ReserveRehash(ulong additional, FnIn<T, ulong> hasher) {
    718             var newItems = _items.CheckedAdd(additional).Unwrap();
    719             var fullCapacity = BucketMaskToCapacity(_bucketMask);
    720             return newItems <= fullCapacity / 2ul ? RehashInPlace(hasher) : Resize(newItems >= fullCapacity + 1ul ? newItems : fullCapacity + 1ul, hasher);
    721         }
    722         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    723         Unit Resize(ulong capacity, FnIn<T, ulong> hasher) {
    724             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_items <= capacity);
    725             var newTable = WithCapacity(capacity);
    726             newTable._growthLeft -= _items;
    727             newTable._items = _items;
    728             var iter = Iter();
    729             Maybe<Bucket<T>> item;
    731             while ((item = iter.Next()).IsSome) {
    732                 var hash = hasher(in item._some.AsRef());
    733                 var index = newTable.FindInsertSlot(hash);
    734                 _ = newTable.SetCtrl(index, H2(hash));
    735                 _ = newTable.Bucket(index).CopyFromNonoverlapping(in item._some);
    736             }
    737             this = newTable;
    738             return new Unit();
    739         }
    740         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    741         readonly Unit SetCtrl(ulong index, byte ctrl) {
    743             var index2 = ((index.WrappingSub(Group.WIDTH)) & _bucketMask) + Group.WIDTH;
    744             _ctrl[(int)index] = ctrl;
    745             _ctrl[(int)index2] = ctrl;
    746             return new Unit();
    747         }
    748         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    749         internal Unit ShrinkTo(ulong minSize, FnIn<T, ulong> hasher) {
    751             minSize = minSize >= _items ? minSize : _items;
    753             if (minSize == ulong.MinValue) {
    754                 this = New();
    755                 return new Unit();
    756             }
    757             var minBuckets = CapacityToBuckets<ulong>(minSize);
    759             if (minBuckets.IsNone) {
    760                 return new Unit();
    761             }
    763             if (minBuckets._some < Buckets()) {
    765                 if (_items == ulong.MinValue) {
    766                     this = WithCapacity(minSize);
    767                 } else {
    768                     _ =  Resize(minSize, hasher);
    769                 }
    770             }
    771             return new Unit();
    772         }
    773         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    774         readonly Result<RawTable<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<RawTable<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    775         #endregion
    777         #region Operators
    778         #endregion
    780         #region Types
    781         #endregion
    782     }
    783     [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, Pack = 0)]
    784     struct RawIterHash<T>: IInto<RawIterHash<T>>, IIterator<Bucket<T>> where T: notnull {
    786         #region Type-level Constructors
    787         #endregion
    789         #region Instance Constructors
    790         public RawIterHash() => throw new InvalidOperationException("Parameterless constructor is not allowed to be called!");
    791         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    792         RawIterHash(RawTable<T> table, byte h2Hash, ProbeSeq probeSeq, ulong pos, Group group, BitMaskIter bitmask) => (_table, _h2Hash, _probeSeq, _pos, _group, _bitmask) = (table, h2Hash, probeSeq, pos, group, bitmask);
    793         #endregion
    795         #region Type-level Fields
    796         #endregion
    798         #region Instance Fields
    799         readonly RawTable<T> _table;
    800         ProbeSeq _probeSeq;
    801         Group _group;
    802         ulong _pos;
    803         BitMaskIter _bitmask;
    804         readonly byte _h2Hash;
    805         #endregion
    807         #region Type-level Properties
    808         #endregion
    810         #region Instance Properties
    811         #endregion
    813         #region Type-level Functions
    814         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    815         internal static RawIterHash<T> New(RawTable<T> table, ulong hash) {
    816             var h2Hash = H2(hash);
    817             var probeSeq = table.ProbeSeq(hash);
    818             var pos = probeSeq.Next().Unwrap();
    819             Group group;
    820             unsafe {
    821                 fixed (byte* ptr = &table._ctrl[(int)pos]) {
    822                     group = Group.Load(ptr);
    823                 }
    824             }
    825             var bitmask = group.MatchByte(h2Hash).IntoIter();
    826             return new(table, h2Hash, probeSeq, pos, group, bitmask);
    827         }
    828         #endregion
    830         #region Instance Functions
    831         public Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceBy(ulong n) => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.AdvanceByDefault(ref this, n);
    832         public ulong Count() => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.CountDefault(ref this);
    833         public TInit Fold<TInit>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, Bucket<T>, TInit> f) where TInit: notnull => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.FoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    834         public override readonly bool Equals(object? _) => false;
    835         public override readonly int GetHashCode() => 0;
    836         public readonly RawIterHash<T> Into() => this;
    837         public Maybe<Bucket<T>> Last() => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.LastDefault(ref this);
    838         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    839         public Maybe<Bucket<T>> Next() {
    841             unsafe {
    842                 while (true) {
    843                     var bit = _bitmask.Next();
    845                     if (bit.IsSome) {
    846                         var index = (_pos + bit._some) & _table._bucketMask;
    847                         var bucket = _table.Bucket(index);
    848                         return new(bucket);
    849                     } else if (_group.MatchEmpty().AnyBitSet()) {
    850                         return Maybe<Bucket<T>>.None();
    851                     } else {
    852                         _pos = _probeSeq.Next().Unwrap();
    854                         fixed (byte* ptr = &_table._ctrl[(int)_pos]) {
    855                             _group = Group.Load(ptr);
    856                         }
    857                         _bitmask = _group.MatchByte(_h2Hash).IntoIter();
    858                     }
    859                 }
    860             }
    861         }
    862         public override readonly string ToString() => string.Empty;
    863         public Result<TInit, TErr> TryFold<TInit, TErr>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, Bucket<T>, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull => IIterator<Bucket<T>>.TryFoldDefault(ref this, init, f);
    864         readonly Result<RawIterHash<T>, Bottom> ITryInto<RawIterHash<T>, Bottom>.TryInto() => new(this);
    865         #endregion
    867         #region Operators
    868         #endregion
    870         #region Types
    871         #endregion
    872     }
    873     static class Functions {
    875         #region Type-level Constructors
    876         #endregion
    878         #region Instance Constructors
    879         #endregion
    881         #region Type-level Fields
    882         internal const byte DELETED = 0b1000_0000;
    883         internal const byte EMPTY = 0b1111_1111;
    884         #endregion
    886         #region Instance Fields
    887         #endregion
    889         #region Type-level Properties
    890         #endregion
    892         #region Instance Properties
    893         #endregion
    895         #region Type-level Functions
    896         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    897         internal static ulong BucketMaskToCapacity(ulong bucketMask) => bucketMask < 8ul ? bucketMask : (bucketMask + 1ul) / 8ul * 7ul;
    898         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    899         internal static Prod<T[], byte[]> CalculateLayout<T>(ulong buckets) where T: notnull {
    900             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(buckets.IsPowerOfTwo());
    901             var size = buckets + Group.WIDTH;
    902             var div = size / Group.WIDTH;
    903             return new(new T[(int)buckets], new byte[(int)(Group.WIDTH * ((size & (Group.WIDTH - 1ul)) == ulong.MinValue ? div : div + 1ul))]);
    904         }
    905         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    906         internal static Maybe<ulong> CapacityToBuckets<T>(ulong cap) where T: notnull {
    907             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(cap != ulong.MinValue);
    908             if (cap < 8ul) {
    909                 return new(cap < 4ul ? 4ul : 8ul);
    910             }
    911             checked {
    913                 try {
    914                     cap *= 8ul;
    915                 } catch (OverflowException) {
    916                     return Maybe<ulong>.None();
    917                 }
    918             }
    919             return new((cap / 7ul).NextPowerOfTwo());
    920         }
    921         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    922         internal static RawTable<ProdMut<TKey, TValue>> Clone<TKey, TValue>(in this RawTable<ProdMut<TKey, TValue>> self) where TKey: notnull, IClone<TKey> where TValue: notnull, IClone<TValue> {
    924             var val = new byte[self._ctrl.Length];
    926             for (var i = 0; i < val.Length; i++) {
    927                 val[i] = self._ctrl[i];
    928             }
    929             var val2 = new ProdMut<TKey, TValue>[self._table.Length];
    931             for (var i = 0; i < val2.Length; i++) {
    932                 val2[i] = self._table[i].Clone();
    933             }
    934             return new(self._bucketMask, val, self._growthLeft, self._items, val2);
    935         }
    936         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    937         internal static ulong H1(ulong hash) => hash;
    938         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    939         internal static byte H2(ulong hash) => (byte)(hash >> 57);
    940         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    941         internal static bool IsFull(byte ctrl) => (ctrl & 0x80u) == uint.MinValue;
    942         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    943         internal static bool IsSpecial(byte ctrl) => (ctrl & 0x80u) != uint.MinValue;
    944         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    945         internal static bool SpecialIsEmpty(byte ctrl) {
    946             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(IsSpecial(ctrl));
    947             return (ctrl & 0x01u) != uint.MinValue;
    948         }
    949         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    950         internal static Unit WriteBytes(this byte[] self, ulong start, byte val, ulong count) {
    952             for (var i = (int)start; i < (int)(count + start); i++) {
    953                     self[i] = val;
    954             }
    955             return new Unit();
    956         }
    957         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    958         internal static Unit WriteBytes(this NonNull<byte> self, byte val, ulong count) {
    960             for (var i = (int)self._index; i < (int)(count + self._index); i++) {
    961                 self._ptr[i] = val;
    962             }
    963             return new Unit();
    964         }
    965         #endregion
    967         #region Instance Functions
    968         #endregion
    970         #region Operators
    971         #endregion
    973         #region Types
    974         #endregion
    975     }
    976     #endregion
    978     #region Namespaces
    979     #endregion
    980 }
    981 #endregion