
Mainly a port of Rust's std.
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IIterator.cs (6397B)

      1 using Std.Maybe;
      2 using static Std.Maybe.Maybe<ulong>;
      3 using Std.Ops;
      4 using Std.Result;
      5 using static Std.Result.Result<Std.Unit, ulong>;
      6 using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
      7 #region Namespaces
      8 namespace Std.Iter {
      9     #region Types
     10     public interface IIterator<T> where T: notnull {
     12         #region Type-level Constructors
     13         #endregion
     15         #region Instance Constructors
     16         #endregion
     18         #region Type-level Fields
     19         #endregion
     21         #region Instance Fields
     22         #endregion
     24         #region Type-level Properties
     25         #endregion
     27         #region Instance Properties
     28         #endregion
     30         #region Type-level Functions
     31         protected static Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceByDefault<TSelf>(TSelf self, ulong n) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> {
     33             for (var i = ulong.MinValue; i < n; i++) { if (self.Next().IsNone) { return Err(i); } }
     34             return OK(new Unit());
     35         }
     36         protected static Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceByDefault<TSelf>(ref TSelf self, ulong n) where TSelf: struct, IIterator<T> {
     38             for (var i = ulong.MinValue; i < n; i++) { if (self.Next().IsNone) { return Err(i); } }
     39             return OK(new Unit());
     40         }
     41         public static bool All<TSelf>(ref TSelf self, Fn<T, bool> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> => self.TryFold(new Unit(), (_, val) => f(val) ? Result<Unit, Unit>.OK(new Unit()) : Result<Unit, Unit>.Err(new Unit())).IsOK;
     42         public static bool Any<TSelf>(ref TSelf self, Fn<T, bool> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> => self.TryFold(new Unit(), (_, val) => f(val) ? Result<Unit, Unit>.Err(new Unit()) : Result<Unit, Unit>.OK(new Unit())).IsErr;
     43         protected static ulong CountDefault<TSelf>(TSelf self) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> => self.Fold(ulong.MinValue, (count, _) => count + 1ul);
     44         protected static ulong CountDefault<TSelf>(ref TSelf self) where TSelf: struct, IIterator<T> => self.Fold(ulong.MinValue, (count, _) => count + 1ul);
     45         public static Maybe<T> Find<TSelf>(ref TSelf self, FnIn<T, bool> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> {
     47             var res = self.TryFold(new Unit(), (_, val) => f(in val) ? Result<Unit, T>.Err(val) : Result<Unit, T>.OK(new Unit()));
     48             return res.IsErr ? Maybe<T>.Some(res._err) : Maybe<T>.None();
     49         }
     50         public static Maybe<T2> FindMap<TSelf, T2>(ref TSelf self, Fn<T, Maybe<T2>> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> where T2: notnull {
     52             var res = self.TryFold(new Unit(), (_, x) => { var val = f(x); return val.IsSome ? Result<Unit, Maybe<T2>>.Err(val) : Result<Unit, Maybe<T2>>.OK(new Unit()); });
     53             return res.IsErr ? res._err : Maybe<T2>.None();
     54         }
     55         protected static TInit FoldDefault<TSelf, TInit>(TSelf self, TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, TInit> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> where TInit: notnull {
     57             Maybe<T> val;
     58             while ((val = self.Next()).IsSome) { init = f(init, val._some); }
     59             return init;
     60         }
     61         protected static TInit FoldDefault<TSelf, TInit>(ref TSelf self, TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, TInit> f) where TSelf: struct, IIterator<T> where TInit: notnull {
     63             Maybe<T> val;
     64             while ((val = self.Next()).IsSome) { init = f(init, val._some); }
     65             return init;
     66         }
     67         protected static Maybe<T> LastDefault<TSelf>(TSelf self) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> => self.Fold(Maybe<T>.None(), (_, val) => Maybe<T>.Some(val));
     68         protected static Maybe<T> LastDefault<TSelf>(ref TSelf self) where TSelf: struct, IIterator<T> => self.Fold(Maybe<T>.None(), (_, val) => Maybe<T>.Some(val));
     69         public static Maybe<T> Nth<TSelf>(ref TSelf self, ulong n) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> => self.AdvanceBy(n).IsErr ? Maybe<T>.None() : self.Next();
     70         public static Maybe<ulong> Position<TSelf>(ref TSelf self, Fn<T, bool> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> {
     72             var res = self.TryFold(ulong.MinValue, (i, val) => f(val) ? Result<ulong, ulong>.Err(i) : Result<ulong, ulong>.OK(i + 1ul));
     73             return res.IsErr ? Some(res._err) : None();
     74         }
     75         protected static Result<TInit, TErr> TryFoldDefault<TSelf, TInit, TErr>(TSelf self, TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull {
     77             Result<TInit, TErr> res = new(init);
     78             Maybe<T> val;
     80             while ((val = self.Next()).IsSome) {
     81                 init = res._ok;
     82                 res = f(init, val._some);
     83                 if (res.IsErr) { break; }
     84             }
     85             return res;
     86         }
     87         protected static Result<TInit, TErr> TryFoldDefault<TSelf, TInit, TErr>(ref TSelf self, TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TSelf: struct, IIterator<T> where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull {
     89             Result<TInit, TErr> res = new(init);
     90             Maybe<T> val;
     92             while ((val = self.Next()).IsSome) {
     93                 init = res._ok;
     94                 res = f(init, val._some);
     95                 if (res.IsErr) { break; }
     96             }
     97             return res;
     98         }
     99         public static Result<Unit, TErr> TryForEach<TSelf, TErr>(ref TSelf self, Fn<T, Result<Unit, TErr>> f) where TSelf: notnull, IIterator<T> where TErr: notnull => self.TryFold(new Unit(), (_, val) => f(val));
    100         #endregion
    102         #region Instance Functions
    103         public abstract Result<Unit, ulong> AdvanceBy(ulong n);
    104         public abstract ulong Count();
    105         public abstract TInit Fold<TInit>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, TInit> f) where TInit: notnull;
    106         public abstract Maybe<T> Last();
    107         [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)]
    108         [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Naming", "CA1716:Identifiers should not match keywords", Justification = "Collision with keyword is unlikely since it's an instance method.")]
    109         public abstract Maybe<T> Next();
    110         public virtual Prod<ulong, Maybe<ulong>> SizeHint() => new(ulong.MinValue, None());
    111         public abstract Result<TInit, TErr> TryFold<TInit, TErr>(TInit init, Fn<TInit, T, Result<TInit, TErr>> f) where TInit: notnull where TErr: notnull;
    112         #endregion
    114         #region Operators
    115         #endregion
    117         #region Types
    118         #endregion
    119     }
    120     #endregion
    122     #region Namespaces
    123     #endregion
    124 }
    125 #endregion