
B-tree-backed map whose keys are distinct supersets.
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      1 //! # `superset_map`
      2 //!
      3 //! `superset_map` is a library for [`Set`]s that have an order defined on them. Its main data structure is
      4 //! [`SupersetMap`] which is a specialized version of [`BTreeMap`] where only supersets are stored. This can be
      5 //! useful when the keys don't fit well or at all with the concept of [`RangeBounds`].
      6 //!
      7 //! Nightly Rust is required. Once
      8 //! [`BTreeMap` cursors are stabilized](, stable Rust will work.
      9 //!
     10 //! ## Example
     11 //!
     12 //! ```
     13 //! # use core::{borrow::Borrow, cmp::Ordering};
     14 //! # use superset_map::{zfc::{num_bigint::BigUint, BoundedCardinality, Cardinality, Set}, SetOrd, SupersetSet};
     15 //! #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
     16 //! struct ShortAscii<'a> {
     17 //!     val: &'a [u8],
     18 //! }
     19 //! impl<'a> ShortAscii<'a> {
     20 //!     fn new(val: &'a [u8]) -> Option<ShortAscii<'a>> {
     21 //!         (val.len() <= 255 && val.is_ascii()).then_some(Self { val })
     22 //!     }
     23 //!     fn len(self) -> u8 {
     24 //!         self.val.len().try_into().expect("The ShortAscii instance was not constructed properly and contains more than 255 bytes.")
     25 //!     }
     26 //! }
     27 //! #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
     28 //! enum WildcardAscii<'a> {
     29 //!     Plain(ShortAscii<'a>),
     30 //!     // Represents a ShortAscii<'a> with an implicit wildcard at the end
     31 //!     // meaning it's all ShortAscii<'a>s that begin with the contained ShortAscii<'a>.val.
     32 //!     Wildcard(ShortAscii<'a>),
     33 //! }
     34 //! impl<'a> WildcardAscii<'a> {
     35 //!     const fn val(self) -> ShortAscii<'a> {
     36 //!         match self {
     37 //!             WildcardAscii::Plain(s) | WildcardAscii::Wildcard(s) => s,
     38 //!         }
     39 //!     }
     40 //!     const fn is_plain(self) -> bool {
     41 //!         match self {
     42 //!             WildcardAscii::Plain(_) => true,
     43 //!             WildcardAscii::Wildcard(_) => false,
     44 //!         }
     45 //!     }
     46 //!     const fn is_wildcard(self) -> bool {
     47 //!         !self.is_plain()
     48 //!     }
     49 //! }
     50 //! impl<'a> PartialOrd<Self> for WildcardAscii<'a> {
     51 //!     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
     52 //!         Some(self.cmp(other))
     53 //!     }
     54 //! }
     55 //! impl<'a> Ord for WildcardAscii<'a> {
     56 //!     fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
     57 //!         let len = u8::min(self.val().len(), other.val().len()) as usize;
     58 //!         match self.val().val[..len].cmp(&other.val().val[..len]) {
     59 //!             Ordering::Less => Ordering::Less,
     60 //!             Ordering::Equal => {
     61 //!                 if self.is_wildcard() {
     62 //!                     if other.is_wildcard() {
     63 //!                         self.val().len().cmp(&other.val().len()).reverse()
     64 //!                     } else {
     65 //!                         Ordering::Greater
     66 //!                     }
     67 //!                 } else if other.is_wildcard() {
     68 //!                     Ordering::Less
     69 //!                 } else {
     70 //!                     self.val().len().cmp(&other.val().len())
     71 //!                 }
     72 //!             }
     73 //!             Ordering::Greater => Ordering::Greater,
     74 //!         }
     75 //!     }
     76 //! }
     77 //! impl<'a> Set for WildcardAscii<'a> {
     78 //!     type Elem = ShortAscii<'a>;
     79 //!     fn bounded_cardinality(&self) -> BoundedCardinality {
     80 //!         BoundedCardinality::new_exact(self.cardinality().unwrap())
     81 //!     }
     82 //!     fn cardinality(&self) -> Option<Cardinality> {
     83 //!         Some(Cardinality::Finite(match *self {
     84 //!             WildcardAscii::Plain(_) => BigUint::new(vec![1]),
     85 //!             // Geometric series.
     86 //!             WildcardAscii::Wildcard(v) => {
     87 //!                 (BigUint::new(vec![128]).pow((u8::MAX - v.len()) as u32 + 1)
     88 //!                     - BigUint::new(vec![1]))
     89 //!                     / BigUint::new(vec![127])
     90 //!             }
     91 //!         }))
     92 //!     }
     93 //!     fn contains<Q>(&self, elem: &Q) -> bool
     94 //!     where
     95 //!         Q: Borrow<Self::Elem> + Eq + ?Sized,
     96 //!     {
     97 //!         match *self {
     98 //!             WildcardAscii::Plain(v) => v == *elem.borrow(),
     99 //!             WildcardAscii::Wildcard(v) => {
    100 //!                 v.len() <= elem.borrow().len() && *v.val == elem.borrow().val[..v.len() as usize]
    101 //!             }
    102 //!         }
    103 //!     }
    104 //!     fn is_proper_subset(&self, val: &Self) -> bool {
    105 //!         val.is_wildcard()
    106 //!             && match val.val().len().cmp(&self.val().len()) {
    107 //!                 Ordering::Less => val.val().val == &self.val().val[..val.val().len() as usize],
    108 //!                 Ordering::Equal => self.is_plain() && self.val() == val.val(),
    109 //!                 Ordering::Greater => false,
    110 //!             }
    111 //!     }
    112 //!     fn is_subset(&self, val: &Self) -> bool {
    113 //!         self == val || self.is_proper_subset(val)
    114 //!     }
    115 //! }
    116 //! impl<'a> SetOrd for WildcardAscii<'a> {}
    117 //! let mut set = SupersetSet::new();
    118 //! set.insert(WildcardAscii::Plain(ShortAscii::new(b"foo").unwrap()));
    119 //! set.insert(WildcardAscii::Plain(ShortAscii::new(b"bar").unwrap()));
    120 //! set.insert(WildcardAscii::Wildcard(ShortAscii::new(b"b").unwrap()));
    121 //! set.insert(WildcardAscii::Wildcard(ShortAscii::new(b"bar").unwrap()));
    122 //! let mut iter = set.into_iter();
    123 //! assert!(, |s| s
    124 //!     == WildcardAscii::Wildcard(ShortAscii::new(b"b").unwrap())));
    125 //! assert!(, |s| s
    126 //!     == WildcardAscii::Plain(ShortAscii::new(b"foo").unwrap())));
    127 //! assert!(;
    128 //! ```
    129 #![no_std]
    130 #![feature(btree_cursors)]
    131 #![deny(
    132     unknown_lints,
    133     future_incompatible,
    134     let_underscore,
    135     missing_docs,
    136     nonstandard_style,
    137     refining_impl_trait,
    138     rust_2018_compatibility,
    139     rust_2018_idioms,
    140     rust_2021_compatibility,
    141     rust_2024_compatibility,
    142     unsafe_code,
    143     unused,
    144     warnings,
    145     clippy::all,
    146     clippy::cargo,
    147     clippy::complexity,
    148     clippy::correctness,
    149     clippy::nursery,
    150     clippy::pedantic,
    151     clippy::perf,
    152     clippy::restriction,
    153     clippy::style,
    154     clippy::suspicious
    155 )]
    156 #![expect(
    157     clippy::blanket_clippy_restriction_lints,
    158     clippy::implicit_return,
    159     clippy::min_ident_chars,
    160     clippy::missing_trait_methods,
    161     clippy::pub_use,
    162     clippy::semicolon_outside_block,
    163     clippy::single_char_lifetime_names,
    164     reason = "noisy, opinionated, and likely doesn't prevent bugs or improve APIs"
    165 )]
    166 #[cfg(doc)]
    167 extern crate alloc;
    168 #[cfg(doc)]
    169 use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
    170 #[cfg(doc)]
    171 use core::ops::RangeBounds;
    172 pub use zfc;
    173 use zfc::Set;
    174 /// A map of keys and values where the keys implement [`SetOrd`]. The map is backed by a B-tree.
    175 mod superset_map;
    176 /// A set of values where the values implement [`SetOrd`]. The set is backed by a B-tree.
    177 pub mod superset_set;
    178 pub use superset_map::SupersetMap;
    179 pub use superset_set::SupersetSet;
    180 /// Must conform to the following properties ∀`a`, `b`, `c`: `Self`:
    181 /// * `a.is_subset(b)` ⇒ `a <= b`.
    182 /// * `a.is_subset(b) && !(a.is_subset(c) || c.is_subset(b))` ⇒ `c` `<` `a` `<=` `b` ∨ `a` `<=` `b` `<` `c`.
    183 ///
    184 /// In American English prose, the above simply states that one only need to check for the "next" element of `a`
    185 /// in an ordered sequence of `Self`s to determine if there exists any superset of `a` in the entire sequence beside
    186 /// `a` itself. Put in a different way, the "distance" between a set and a proper supserset is "less" than the "distance"
    187 /// between the same set and a non-superset that is greater.
    188 pub trait SetOrd: Ord + Set {}