
Hardened fork of Vaultwarden (https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden) with fewer features.
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cipher.rs (32284B)

      1 use super::{
      2     CollectionCipher, Favorite, FolderCipher, User, UserOrgStatus, UserOrgType, UserOrganization,
      3 };
      4 use crate::api::core::{CipherData, CipherSyncData, CipherSyncType};
      5 use crate::util::{self, LowerCase};
      6 use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Utc};
      7 use diesel::result::{self, DatabaseErrorKind};
      8 use serde_json::Value;
      9 use std::borrow::Cow;
     10 use std::string::ToString;
     12 db_object! {
     13     #[derive(AsChangeset, Insertable, Queryable)]
     14     #[diesel(table_name = ciphers)]
     15     #[diesel(treat_none_as_null = true)]
     16     pub struct Cipher {
     17         pub uuid: String,
     18         created_at: NaiveDateTime,
     19         pub updated_at: NaiveDateTime,
     20         pub user_uuid: Option<String>,
     21         pub organization_uuid: Option<String>,
     22         pub key: Option<String>,
     23         atype: i32,
     24         pub name: String,
     25         pub notes: Option<String>,
     26         pub fields: Option<String>,
     27         pub data: String,
     28         pub password_history: Option<String>,
     29         pub deleted_at: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
     30         pub reprompt: Option<i32>,
     31     }
     32 }
     34 enum RepromptType {
     35     None = 0,
     36 }
     37 impl From<RepromptType> for i32 {
     38     fn from(value: RepromptType) -> Self {
     39         match value {
     40             RepromptType::None => 0i32,
     41         }
     42     }
     43 }
     45 /// Local methods
     46 impl Cipher {
     47     pub fn new(atype: i32, name: String) -> Self {
     48         let now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
     49         Self {
     50             uuid: util::get_uuid(),
     51             created_at: now,
     52             updated_at: now,
     53             user_uuid: None,
     54             organization_uuid: None,
     55             key: None,
     56             atype,
     57             name,
     58             notes: None,
     59             fields: None,
     60             data: String::new(),
     61             password_history: None,
     62             deleted_at: None,
     63             reprompt: None,
     64         }
     65     }
     66     pub fn validate_cipher_data(cipher_data: &[CipherData]) -> EmptyResult {
     67         let mut validation_errors = serde_json::Map::new();
     68         for (index, cipher) in cipher_data.iter().enumerate() {
     69             if let Some(ref note) = cipher.notes {
     70                 if note.len() > 10_000 {
     71                     validation_errors.insert(
     72                         format!("Ciphers[{index}].Notes"),
     73                         serde_json::to_value([
     74                             "The field Notes exceeds the maximum encrypted value length of 10000 characters.",
     75                         ])
     76                         .unwrap(),
     77                     );
     78                 }
     79             }
     80             // Validate the password history if it contains `null` values and if so, return a warning
     81             if let Some(Value::Array(ref password_history)) = cipher.password_history {
     82                 for pwh in password_history {
     83                     if let Value::Object(ref pwo) = *pwh {
     84                         if pwo.get("password").is_some_and(|p| !p.is_string()) {
     85                             validation_errors.insert(
     86                                 format!("Ciphers[{index}].Notes"),
     87                                 serde_json::to_value([
     88                                     "The password history contains a `null` value. Only strings are allowed.",
     89                                 ])
     90                                 .unwrap(),
     91                             );
     92                             break;
     93                         }
     94                     }
     95                 }
     96             }
     97         }
     98         if !validation_errors.is_empty() {
     99             let err_json = json!({
    100                 "message": "The model state is invalid.",
    101                 "validationErrors" : validation_errors,
    102                 "object": "error"
    103             });
    104             err_json!(err_json, "Import validation errors")
    105         }
    106         Ok(())
    107     }
    108 }
    109 use crate::api::EmptyResult;
    110 use crate::db::DbConn;
    111 use crate::error::MapResult;
    112 /// Database methods
    113 impl Cipher {
    114     pub async fn to_json(
    115         &self,
    116         user_uuid: &str,
    117         cipher_sync_data: Option<&CipherSyncData>,
    118         sync_type: CipherSyncType,
    119         conn: &DbConn,
    120     ) -> Value {
    121         // We don't need these values at all for Organizational syncs
    122         // Skip any other database calls if this is the case and just return false.
    123         let (read_only, hide_passwords) = if sync_type == CipherSyncType::User {
    124             match self
    125                 .get_access_restrictions(user_uuid, cipher_sync_data, conn)
    126                 .await
    127             {
    128                 Some((ro, hp)) => (ro, hp),
    129                 None => (true, true),
    130             }
    131         } else {
    132             (false, false)
    133         };
    134         let fields_json = self
    135             .fields
    136             .as_ref()
    137             .and_then(|s| {
    138                 serde_json::from_str::<Vec<LowerCase<Value>>>(s)
    139                     .inspect_err(|e| warn!("Error parsing fields {e:?} for {}", self.uuid))
    140                     .ok()
    141             })
    142             .map_or(Value::Null, |d| d.into_iter().map(|da| da.data).collect());
    143         let password_history_json = self
    144             .password_history
    145             .as_ref()
    146             .and_then(|s| {
    147                 serde_json::from_str::<Vec<LowerCase<Value>>>(s)
    148                     .inspect_err(|e| {
    149                         warn!("Error parsing password history {e:?} for {}", self.uuid);
    150                     })
    151                     .ok()
    152             })
    153             .map_or(Value::Null, |d| {
    154                 // Check every password history item if they are valid and return it.
    155                 // If a password field has the type `null` skip it, it breaks newer Bitwarden clients
    156                 // A second check is done to verify the lastUsedDate exists and is a string, if not the epoch start time will be used
    157                 d.into_iter()
    158                     .filter_map(|da| match da.data.get("password") {
    159                         Some(p) if p.is_string() => Some(da.data),
    160                         _ => None,
    161                     })
    162                     .map(|da| match da.get("lastUsedDate").and_then(|l| l.as_str()) {
    163                         Some(l) if DateTime::parse_from_rfc3339(l).is_ok() => da,
    164                         _ => {
    165                             let mut dat = da;
    166                             dat["lastUsedDate"] = json!("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");
    167                             dat
    168                         }
    169                     })
    170                     .collect()
    171             });
    172         // Get the type_data or a default to an empty json object '{}'.
    173         // If not passing an empty object, mobile clients will crash.
    174         let mut type_data_json = serde_json::from_str::<LowerCase<Value>>(&self.data).map_or_else(
    175             |_e| {
    176                 warn!("Error parsing data field for {}", self.uuid);
    177                 Value::Object(serde_json::Map::new())
    178             },
    179             |d| d.data,
    180         );
    181         // NOTE: This was marked as *Backwards Compatibility Code*, but as of January 2021 this is still being used by upstream
    182         // Set the first element of the Uris array as Uri, this is needed several (mobile) clients.
    183         if self.atype == 1i32 {
    184             if type_data_json["uris"].is_array() {
    185                 let uri = type_data_json["uris"][0]["uri"].clone();
    186                 type_data_json["uri"] = uri;
    187             } else {
    188                 // Upstream always has an Uri key/value
    189                 type_data_json["uri"] = Value::Null;
    190             }
    191         }
    192         if self.atype == 2i32 {
    193             match type_data_json {
    194                 Value::Object(ref t) if t.get("type").is_some_and(Value::is_number) => {}
    195                 Value::Null
    196                 | Value::Bool(_)
    197                 | Value::Number(_)
    198                 | Value::String(_)
    199                 | Value::Array(_)
    200                 | Value::Object(_) => {
    201                     type_data_json = json!({"type": 0i32});
    202                 }
    203             }
    204         }
    205         // Clone the type_data and add some default value.
    206         let mut data_json = type_data_json.clone();
    207         // NOTE: This was marked as *Backwards Compatibility Code*, but as of January 2021 this is still being used by upstream
    208         // data_json should always contain the following keys with every atype
    209         data_json["fields"] = fields_json.clone();
    210         data_json["name"] = json!(self.name);
    211         data_json["notes"] = json!(self.notes);
    212         data_json["passwordHistory"] = password_history_json.clone();
    213         let collection_ids = if let Some(cipher_sync_data) = cipher_sync_data {
    214             cipher_sync_data
    215                 .cipher_collections
    216                 .get(&self.uuid)
    217                 .map_or_else(|| Cow::from(Vec::with_capacity(0)), Cow::from)
    218         } else {
    219             Cow::from(self.get_admin_collections(user_uuid.to_owned(), conn).await)
    220         };
    221         // There are three types of cipher response models in upstream
    222         // Bitwarden: "cipherMini", "cipher", and "cipherDetails" (in order
    223         // of increasing level of detail). vaultwarden currently only
    224         // supports the "cipherDetails" type, though it seems like the
    225         // Bitwarden clients will ignore extra fields.
    226         //
    227         // Ref: https://github.com/bitwarden/server/blob/master/src/Core/Models/Api/Response/CipherResponseModel.cs
    228         let mut json_object = json!({
    229             "object": "cipherDetails",
    230             "id": self.uuid,
    231             "type": self.atype,
    232             "creationDate": util::format_date(&self.created_at),
    233             "revisionDate": util::format_date(&self.updated_at),
    234             "deletedDate": self.deleted_at.map_or(Value::Null, |d| Value::String(util::format_date(&d))),
    235             "reprompt": self.reprompt.unwrap_or_else(|| i32::from(RepromptType::None)),
    236             "organizationId": self.organization_uuid,
    237             "key": self.key,
    238             "attachments": Value::Null,
    239             // We have UseTotp set to true by default within the Organization model.
    240             // This variable together with UsersGetPremium is used to show or hide the TOTP counter.
    241             "organizationUseTotp": true,
    242             // This field is specific to the cipherDetails type.
    243             "collectionIds": collection_ids,
    244             "name": self.name,
    245             "notes": self.notes,
    246             "fields": fields_json,
    247             "data": data_json,
    248             "passwordHistory": password_history_json,
    249             // All Cipher types are included by default as null, but only the matching one will be populated
    250             "login": null,
    251             "secureNote": null,
    252             "card": null,
    253             "identity": null,
    254         });
    255         // These values are only needed for user/default syncs
    256         // Not during an organizational sync like `get_org_details`
    257         // Skip adding these fields in that case
    258         if sync_type == CipherSyncType::User {
    259             json_object["folderId"] = json!(if let Some(cipher_sync_data) = cipher_sync_data {
    260                 cipher_sync_data
    261                     .cipher_folders
    262                     .get(&self.uuid)
    263                     .map(ToString::to_string)
    264             } else {
    265                 self.get_folder_uuid(user_uuid, conn).await
    266             });
    267             json_object["favorite"] = json!(if let Some(cipher_sync_data) = cipher_sync_data {
    268                 cipher_sync_data.cipher_favorites.contains(&self.uuid)
    269             } else {
    270                 self.is_favorite(user_uuid, conn).await
    271             });
    272             // These values are true by default, but can be false if the
    273             // cipher belongs to a collection or group where the org owner has enabled
    274             // the "Read Only" or "Hide Passwords" restrictions for the user.
    275             json_object["edit"] = json!(!read_only);
    276             json_object["viewPassword"] = json!(!hide_passwords);
    277         }
    279         let key = match self.atype {
    280             1i32 => "login",
    281             2i32 => "secureNote",
    282             3i32 => "card",
    283             4i32 => "identity",
    284             _ => panic!("Wrong type"),
    285         };
    287         json_object[key] = type_data_json;
    288         json_object
    289     }
    291     pub async fn update_users_revision(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<String> {
    292         let mut user_uuids = Vec::new();
    293         match self.user_uuid {
    294             Some(ref user_uuid) => {
    295                 User::update_uuid_revision(user_uuid, conn).await;
    296                 user_uuids.push(user_uuid.clone());
    297             }
    298             None => {
    299                 // Belongs to Organization, need to update affected users
    300                 if let Some(ref org_uuid) = self.organization_uuid {
    301                     for user_org in
    302                         &UserOrganization::find_by_cipher_and_org(&self.uuid, org_uuid, conn).await
    303                     {
    304                         User::update_uuid_revision(&user_org.user_uuid, conn).await;
    305                         user_uuids.push(user_org.user_uuid.clone());
    306                     }
    307                 }
    308             }
    309         };
    310         user_uuids
    311     }
    313     pub async fn save(&mut self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
    314         self.update_users_revision(conn).await;
    315         self.updated_at = Utc::now().naive_utc();
    316         db_run! { conn:
    317             {
    318                 match diesel::replace_into(ciphers::table)
    319                     .values(CipherDb::to_db(self))
    320                     .execute(conn)
    321                 {
    322                     Ok(_) => Ok(()),
    323                     // Record already exists and causes a Foreign Key Violation because replace_into() wants to delete the record first.
    324                     Err(result::Error::DatabaseError(DatabaseErrorKind::ForeignKeyViolation, _)) => {
    325                         diesel::update(ciphers::table)
    326                             .filter(ciphers::uuid.eq(&self.uuid))
    327                             .set(CipherDb::to_db(self))
    328                             .execute(conn)
    329                             .map_res("Error saving cipher")
    330                     }
    331                     Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
    332                 }.map_res("Error saving cipher")
    333             }
    334         }
    335     }
    337     pub async fn delete(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
    338         self.update_users_revision(conn).await;
    339         FolderCipher::delete_all_by_cipher(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
    340         CollectionCipher::delete_all_by_cipher(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
    341         Favorite::delete_all_by_cipher(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
    342         db_run! { conn: {
    343             diesel::delete(ciphers::table.filter(ciphers::uuid.eq(&self.uuid)))
    344                 .execute(conn)
    345                 .map_res("Error deleting cipher")
    346         }}
    347     }
    349     pub async fn delete_all_by_organization(org_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
    350         // TODO: Optimize this by executing a DELETE directly on the database, instead of first fetching.
    351         for cipher in Self::find_by_org(org_uuid, conn).await {
    352             cipher.delete(conn).await?;
    353         }
    354         Ok(())
    355     }
    357     pub async fn delete_all_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
    358         for cipher in Self::find_owned_by_user(user_uuid, conn).await {
    359             cipher.delete(conn).await?;
    360         }
    361         Ok(())
    362     }
    364     pub async fn move_to_folder(
    365         &self,
    366         folder_uuid: Option<String>,
    367         user_uuid: &str,
    368         conn: &DbConn,
    369     ) -> EmptyResult {
    370         User::update_uuid_revision(user_uuid, conn).await;
    371         match (self.get_folder_uuid(user_uuid, conn).await, folder_uuid) {
    372             // No changes
    373             (None, None) => Ok(()),
    374             (Some(ref old), Some(ref new)) if old == new => Ok(()),
    375             // Add to folder
    376             (None, Some(new)) => FolderCipher::new(&new, &self.uuid).save(conn).await,
    377             // Remove from folder
    378             (Some(old), None) => {
    379                 match FolderCipher::find_by_folder_and_cipher(&old, &self.uuid, conn).await {
    380                     Some(old) => old.delete(conn).await,
    381                     None => err!("Couldn't move from previous folder"),
    382                 }
    383             }
    384             // Move to another folder
    385             (Some(old), Some(new)) => {
    386                 if let Some(old) =
    387                     FolderCipher::find_by_folder_and_cipher(&old, &self.uuid, conn).await
    388                 {
    389                     old.delete(conn).await?;
    390                 }
    391                 FolderCipher::new(&new, &self.uuid).save(conn).await
    392             }
    393         }
    394     }
    395     /// Returns whether this cipher is directly owned by the user.
    396     fn is_owned_by_user(&self, user_uuid: &str) -> bool {
    397         self.user_uuid.is_some() && self.user_uuid.as_ref().unwrap() == user_uuid
    398     }
    400     /// Returns whether this cipher is owned by an org in which the user has full access.
    401     #[allow(clippy::else_if_without_else)]
    402     async fn is_in_full_access_org(
    403         &self,
    404         user_uuid: &str,
    405         cipher_sync_data: Option<&CipherSyncData>,
    406         conn: &DbConn,
    407     ) -> bool {
    408         if let Some(ref org_uuid) = self.organization_uuid {
    409             if let Some(cipher_sync_data) = cipher_sync_data {
    410                 if let Some(cached_user_org) = cipher_sync_data.user_organizations.get(org_uuid) {
    411                     return cached_user_org.has_full_access();
    412                 }
    413             } else if let Some(user_org) =
    414                 UserOrganization::find_by_user_and_org(user_uuid, org_uuid, conn).await
    415             {
    416                 return user_org.has_full_access();
    417             }
    418         }
    419         false
    420     }
    421     /// Returns the user's access restrictions to this cipher. A return value
    422     /// of None means that this cipher does not belong to the user, and is
    423     /// not in any collection the user has access to. Otherwise, the user has
    424     /// access to this cipher, and Some(read_only, hide_passwords) represents
    425     /// the access restrictions.
    426     async fn get_access_restrictions(
    427         &self,
    428         user_uuid: &str,
    429         cipher_sync_data: Option<&CipherSyncData>,
    430         conn: &DbConn,
    431     ) -> Option<(bool, bool)> {
    432         // Check whether this cipher is directly owned by the user, or is in
    433         // a collection that the user has full access to. If so, there are no
    434         // access restrictions.
    435         if self.is_owned_by_user(user_uuid)
    436             || self
    437                 .is_in_full_access_org(user_uuid, cipher_sync_data, conn)
    438                 .await
    439         {
    440             return Some((false, false));
    441         }
    443         let rows = if let Some(cipher_sync_data) = cipher_sync_data {
    444             let mut rows: Vec<(bool, bool)> = Vec::new();
    445             if let Some(collections) = cipher_sync_data.cipher_collections.get(&self.uuid) {
    446                 for collection in collections {
    447                     //User permissions
    448                     if let Some(uc) = cipher_sync_data.user_collections.get(collection) {
    449                         rows.push((uc.read_only, uc.hide_passwords));
    450                     }
    451                 }
    452             }
    453             rows
    454         } else {
    455             self.get_user_collections_access_flags(user_uuid, conn)
    456                 .await
    457         };
    459         if rows.is_empty() {
    460             // This cipher isn't in any collections accessible to the user.
    461             return None;
    462         }
    464         // A cipher can be in multiple collections with inconsistent access flags.
    465         // For example, a cipher could be in one collection where the user has
    466         // read-only access, but also in another collection where the user has
    467         // read/write access. For a flag to be in effect for a cipher, upstream
    468         // requires all collections the cipher is in to have that flag set.
    469         // Therefore, we do a boolean AND of all values in each of the `read_only`
    470         // and `hide_passwords` columns. This could ideally be done as part of the
    471         // query, but Diesel doesn't support a min() or bool_and() function on
    472         // booleans and this behavior isn't portable anyway.
    473         let mut read_only = true;
    474         let mut hide_passwords = true;
    475         for tup in rows {
    476             read_only &= tup.0;
    477             hide_passwords &= tup.1;
    478         }
    479         Some((read_only, hide_passwords))
    480     }
    482     async fn get_user_collections_access_flags(
    483         &self,
    484         user_uuid: &str,
    485         conn: &DbConn,
    486     ) -> Vec<(bool, bool)> {
    487         db_run! {conn: {
    488             // Check whether this cipher is in any collections accessible to the
    489             // user. If so, retrieve the access flags for each collection.
    490             ciphers::table
    491                 .filter(ciphers::uuid.eq(&self.uuid))
    492                 .inner_join(ciphers_collections::table.on(
    493                     ciphers::uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::cipher_uuid)))
    494                 .inner_join(users_collections::table.on(
    495                     ciphers_collections::collection_uuid.eq(users_collections::collection_uuid)
    496                         .and(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid))))
    497                 .select((users_collections::read_only, users_collections::hide_passwords))
    498                 .load::<(bool, bool)>(conn)
    499                 .expect("Error getting user access restrictions")
    500         }}
    501     }
    503     pub async fn is_write_accessible_to_user(&self, user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> bool {
    504         match self.get_access_restrictions(user_uuid, None, conn).await {
    505             Some((read_only, _hide_passwords)) => !read_only,
    506             None => false,
    507         }
    508     }
    510     pub async fn is_accessible_to_user(&self, user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> bool {
    511         self.get_access_restrictions(user_uuid, None, conn)
    512             .await
    513             .is_some()
    514     }
    516     // Returns whether this cipher is a favorite of the specified user.
    517     async fn is_favorite(&self, user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> bool {
    518         Favorite::is_favorite(&self.uuid, user_uuid, conn).await
    519     }
    521     // Sets whether this cipher is a favorite of the specified user.
    522     pub async fn set_favorite(
    523         &self,
    524         favorite: Option<bool>,
    525         user_uuid: &str,
    526         conn: &DbConn,
    527     ) -> EmptyResult {
    528         match favorite {
    529             None => Ok(()), // No change requested.
    530             Some(status) => Favorite::set_favorite(status, &self.uuid, user_uuid, conn).await,
    531         }
    532     }
    534     async fn get_folder_uuid(&self, user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<String> {
    535         db_run! {conn: {
    536             folders_ciphers::table
    537                 .inner_join(folders::table)
    538                 .filter(folders::user_uuid.eq(&user_uuid))
    539                 .filter(folders_ciphers::cipher_uuid.eq(&self.uuid))
    540                 .select(folders_ciphers::folder_uuid)
    541                 .first::<String>(conn)
    542                 .ok()
    543         }}
    544     }
    546     pub async fn find_by_uuid(uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<Self> {
    547         db_run! {conn: {
    548             ciphers::table
    549                 .filter(ciphers::uuid.eq(uuid))
    550                 .first::<CipherDb>(conn)
    551                 .ok()
    552                 .from_db()
    553         }}
    554     }
    556     pub async fn find_by_uuid_and_org(
    557         cipher_uuid: &str,
    558         org_uuid: &str,
    559         conn: &DbConn,
    560     ) -> Option<Self> {
    561         db_run! {conn: {
    562             ciphers::table
    563                 .filter(ciphers::uuid.eq(cipher_uuid))
    564                 .filter(ciphers::organization_uuid.eq(org_uuid))
    565                 .first::<CipherDb>(conn)
    566                 .ok()
    567                 .from_db()
    568         }}
    569     }
    571     // Find all ciphers accessible or visible to the specified user.
    572     //
    573     // "Accessible" means the user has read access to the cipher, either via
    574     // direct ownership, collection or via group access.
    575     //
    576     // "Visible" usually means the same as accessible, except when an org
    577     // owner/admin sets their account or group to have access to only selected
    578     // collections in the org (presumably because they aren't interested in
    579     // the other collections in the org). In this case, if `visible_only` is
    580     // true, then the non-interesting ciphers will not be returned. As a
    581     // result, those ciphers will not appear in "My Vault" for the org
    582     // owner/admin, but they can still be accessed via the org vault view.
    583     async fn find_by_user(user_uuid: &str, visible_only: bool, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
    584         db_run! {conn: {
    585             let mut query = ciphers::table
    586                 .left_join(ciphers_collections::table.on(
    587                     ciphers::uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::cipher_uuid)
    588                 ))
    589                 .left_join(users_organizations::table.on(
    590                     ciphers::organization_uuid.eq(users_organizations::org_uuid.nullable())
    591                         .and(users_organizations::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid))
    592                         .and(users_organizations::status.eq(i32::from(UserOrgStatus::Confirmed)))
    593                 ))
    594                 .left_join(users_collections::table.on(
    595                     ciphers_collections::collection_uuid.eq(users_collections::collection_uuid)
    596                         // Ensure that users_collections::user_uuid is NULL for unconfirmed users.
    597                         .and(users_organizations::user_uuid.eq(users_collections::user_uuid))
    598                 ))
    599                 .filter(ciphers::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)) // Cipher owner
    600                 .or_filter(users_organizations::access_all.eq(true)) // access_all in org
    601                 .or_filter(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)) // Access to collection
    602                 .into_boxed();
    603             if !visible_only {
    604                 query = query.or_filter(
    605                     users_organizations::atype.le(i32::from(UserOrgType::Admin)) // Org admin/owner
    606                 );
    607             }
    608             query
    609                 .select(ciphers::all_columns)
    610                 .distinct()
    611                 .load::<CipherDb>(conn).expect("Error loading ciphers").from_db()
    612         }}
    613     }
    614     // Find all ciphers visible to the specified user.
    615     pub async fn find_by_user_visible(user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
    616         Self::find_by_user(user_uuid, true, conn).await
    617     }
    618     // Find all ciphers directly owned by the specified user.
    619     pub async fn find_owned_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
    620         db_run! {conn: {
    621             ciphers::table
    622                 .filter(
    623                     ciphers::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid)
    624                     .and(ciphers::organization_uuid.is_null())
    625                 )
    626                 .load::<CipherDb>(conn).expect("Error loading ciphers").from_db()
    627         }}
    628     }
    630     pub async fn count_owned_by_user(user_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> u64 {
    631         u64::try_from({
    632             db_run! {conn: {
    633                 ciphers::table
    634                     .filter(ciphers::user_uuid.eq(user_uuid))
    635                     .count()
    636                     .first::<i64>(conn)
    637                     .ok()
    638                     .unwrap_or(0)
    639             }}
    640         })
    641         .expect("underflow")
    642     }
    644     pub async fn find_by_org(org_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
    645         db_run! {conn: {
    646             ciphers::table
    647                 .filter(ciphers::organization_uuid.eq(org_uuid))
    648                 .load::<CipherDb>(conn).expect("Error loading ciphers").from_db()
    649         }}
    650     }
    652     pub async fn count_by_org(org_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> u64 {
    653         u64::try_from({
    654             db_run! {conn: {
    655                 ciphers::table
    656                     .filter(ciphers::organization_uuid.eq(org_uuid))
    657                     .count()
    658                     .first::<i64>(conn)
    659                     .ok()
    660                     .unwrap_or(0)
    661             }}
    662         })
    663         .expect("underflow")
    664     }
    666     pub async fn find_by_folder(folder_uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
    667         db_run! {conn: {
    668             folders_ciphers::table.inner_join(ciphers::table)
    669                 .filter(folders_ciphers::folder_uuid.eq(folder_uuid))
    670                 .select(ciphers::all_columns)
    671                 .load::<CipherDb>(conn).expect("Error loading ciphers").from_db()
    672         }}
    673     }
    675     /// Find all ciphers that were deleted before the specified datetime.
    676     pub async fn find_deleted_before(dt: &NaiveDateTime, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
    677         db_run! {conn: {
    678             ciphers::table
    679                 .filter(ciphers::deleted_at.lt(dt))
    680                 .load::<CipherDb>(conn).expect("Error loading ciphers").from_db()
    681         }}
    682     }
    684     pub async fn get_collections(&self, user_id: String, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<String> {
    685         db_run! {conn: {
    686             ciphers_collections::table
    687                 .filter(ciphers_collections::cipher_uuid.eq(&self.uuid))
    688                 .inner_join(collections::table.on(
    689                     collections::uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    690                 ))
    691                 .inner_join(users_organizations::table.on(
    692                     users_organizations::org_uuid.eq(collections::org_uuid)
    693                     .and(users_organizations::user_uuid.eq(user_id.clone()))
    694                 ))
    695                 .left_join(users_collections::table.on(
    696                     users_collections::collection_uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    697                     .and(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_id.clone()))
    698                 ))
    699                 .filter(users_organizations::access_all.eq(true) // User has access all
    700                     .or(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_id) // User has access to collection
    701                         .and(users_collections::read_only.eq(false)))
    702                 )
    703                 .select(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    704                 .load::<String>(conn).unwrap_or_default()
    705         }}
    706     }
    708     pub async fn get_admin_collections(&self, user_id: String, conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<String> {
    709         db_run! {conn: {
    710             ciphers_collections::table
    711                 .filter(ciphers_collections::cipher_uuid.eq(&self.uuid))
    712                 .inner_join(collections::table.on(
    713                     collections::uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    714                 ))
    715                 .inner_join(users_organizations::table.on(
    716                     users_organizations::org_uuid.eq(collections::org_uuid)
    717                     .and(users_organizations::user_uuid.eq(user_id.clone()))
    718                 ))
    719                 .left_join(users_collections::table.on(
    720                     users_collections::collection_uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    721                     .and(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_id.clone()))
    722                 ))
    723                 .filter(users_organizations::access_all.eq(true) // User has access all
    724                     .or(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_id) // User has access to collection
    725                         .and(users_collections::read_only.eq(false)))
    726                     .or(users_organizations::atype.le(i32::from(UserOrgType::Admin))) // User is admin or owner
    727                 )
    728                 .select(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    729                 .load::<String>(conn).unwrap_or_default()
    730         }}
    731     }
    733     /// Return a Vec with (cipher_uuid, collection_uuid)
    734     /// This is used during a full sync so we only need one query for all collections accessible.
    735     pub async fn get_collections_with_cipher_by_user(
    736         user_id: String,
    737         conn: &DbConn,
    738     ) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
    739         db_run! {conn: {
    740             ciphers_collections::table
    741             .inner_join(collections::table.on(
    742                 collections::uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid)
    743             ))
    744             .inner_join(users_organizations::table.on(
    745                 users_organizations::org_uuid.eq(collections::org_uuid).and(
    746                     users_organizations::user_uuid.eq(user_id.clone())
    747                 )
    748             ))
    749             .left_join(users_collections::table.on(
    750                 users_collections::collection_uuid.eq(ciphers_collections::collection_uuid).and(
    751                     users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_id.clone())
    752                 )
    753             ))
    754             .or_filter(users_collections::user_uuid.eq(user_id)) // User has access to collection
    755             .or_filter(users_organizations::access_all.eq(true)) // User has access all
    756             .or_filter(users_organizations::atype.le(i32::from(UserOrgType::Admin))) // User is admin or owner
    757             .select(ciphers_collections::all_columns)
    758             .distinct()
    759             .load::<(String, String)>(conn).unwrap_or_default()
    760         }}
    761     }
    762 }