
WebAuthn Level 3 RP library.
git clone https://git.philomathiclife.com/repos/webauthn_rp
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error.rs (1621B)

      1 #[cfg(doc)]
      2 use super::{
      3     AllowedCredentials, CredentialSpecificExtension, Extension, PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions,
      4     UserVerificationRequirement,
      5 };
      6 use core::{
      7     error::Error,
      8     fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
      9 };
     10 #[cfg(doc)]
     11 use std::time::{Instant, SystemTime};
     12 /// Error returned from [`PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions::second_factor`] when
     13 /// [`AllowedCredentials`] is empty.
     14 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
     15 pub struct SecondFactorErr;
     16 impl Display for SecondFactorErr {
     17     #[inline]
     18     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
     19         f.write_str("allowed credentials was empty")
     20     }
     21 }
     22 impl Error for SecondFactorErr {}
     23 /// Error returned by [`PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions::start_ceremony`].
     24 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
     25 pub enum RequestOptionsErr {
     26     /// Error when [`Extension::prf`] or [`CredentialSpecificExtension::prf`] is [`Some`] but
     27     /// [`PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions::user_verification`] is not
     28     /// [`UserVerificationRequirement::Required`].
     29     PrfWithoutUserVerification,
     30     /// [`PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions::timeout`] could not be added to [`Instant::now`] or [`SystemTime::now`].
     31     InvalidTimeout,
     32 }
     33 impl Display for RequestOptionsErr {
     34     #[inline]
     35     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
     36         f.write_str(match *self {
     37             Self::PrfWithoutUserVerification => {
     38                 "prf extension was requested without requiring user verification"
     39             }
     40             Self::InvalidTimeout => "the timeout could not be added to the current Instant",
     41         })
     42     }
     43 }
     44 impl Error for RequestOptionsErr {}