
WebAuthn Level 3 RP library.
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response.rs (99793B)

      1 extern crate alloc;
      2 use crate::{
      3     request::{register::{PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity, UserHandle}, Challenge, RpId, Url},
      4     response::{
      5         auth::error::{
      6             AuthCeremonyErr, AuthenticatorDataErr as AuthAuthDataErr,
      7             AuthenticatorExtensionOutputErr as AuthAuthExtErr,
      8         },
      9         error::{CollectedClientDataErr, CredentialIdErr},
     10         register::error::{AttestationObjectErr, AttestedCredentialDataErr, AuthenticatorDataErr as RegAuthDataErr, AuthenticatorExtensionOutputErr as RegAuthExtErr, PubKeyErr, RegCeremonyErr},
     11     },
     12 };
     13 use alloc::borrow::Cow;
     14 use core::{
     15     borrow::Borrow,
     16     cmp::Ordering,
     17     convert::Infallible,
     18     fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
     19     hash::{Hash, Hasher},
     20     str,
     21 };
     22 use data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD;
     23 use rsa::sha2::{digest::OutputSizeUser as _, Sha256};
     24 #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
     25 use ser_relaxed::SerdeJsonErr;
     26 /// Contains functionality for completing the
     27 /// [authentication ceremony](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authentication-ceremony).
     28 ///
     29 /// # Examples
     30 ///
     31 /// ```no_run
     32 /// # use data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD;
     33 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"))]
     34 /// # use webauthn_rp::request::{FixedCapHashSet, InsertResult};
     35 /// # use webauthn_rp::{
     36 /// #     request::{auth::{error::RequestOptionsErr, AuthenticationClientState, PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions, AuthenticationVerificationOptions}, error::AsciiDomainErr, register::UserHandle, AsciiDomain, BackupReq, RpId},
     37 /// #     response::{auth::{error::AuthCeremonyErr, Authentication}, error::CollectedClientDataErr, register::{AuthenticatorExtensionOutputStaticState, CredentialProtectionPolicy, DynamicState, Ed25519PubKey, CompressedPubKey, StaticState}, AuthenticatorAttachment, Backup, CollectedClientData, CredentialId},
     38 /// #     AuthenticatedCredential, CredentialErr
     39 /// # };
     40 /// # #[derive(Debug)]
     41 /// # enum E {
     42 /// #     CollectedClientData(CollectedClientDataErr),
     43 /// #     RpId(AsciiDomainErr),
     44 /// #     RequestOptions(RequestOptionsErr),
     45 /// #     SerdeJson(serde_json::Error),
     46 /// #     MissingUserHandle,
     47 /// #     MissingCeremony,
     48 /// #     UnknownCredential,
     49 /// #     Credential(CredentialErr),
     50 /// #     AuthCeremony(AuthCeremonyErr),
     51 /// # }
     52 /// # impl From<AsciiDomainErr> for E {
     53 /// #     fn from(value: AsciiDomainErr) -> Self {
     54 /// #         Self::RpId(value)
     55 /// #     }
     56 /// # }
     57 /// # impl From<CollectedClientDataErr> for E {
     58 /// #     fn from(value: CollectedClientDataErr) -> Self {
     59 /// #         Self::CollectedClientData(value)
     60 /// #     }
     61 /// # }
     62 /// # impl From<RequestOptionsErr> for E {
     63 /// #     fn from(value: RequestOptionsErr) -> Self {
     64 /// #         Self::RequestOptions(value)
     65 /// #     }
     66 /// # }
     67 /// # impl From<serde_json::Error> for E {
     68 /// #     fn from(value: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
     69 /// #         Self::SerdeJson(value)
     70 /// #     }
     71 /// # }
     72 /// # impl From<CredentialErr> for E {
     73 /// #     fn from(value: CredentialErr) -> Self {
     74 /// #         Self::Credential(value)
     75 /// #     }
     76 /// # }
     77 /// # impl From<AuthCeremonyErr> for E {
     78 /// #     fn from(value: AuthCeremonyErr) -> Self {
     79 /// #         Self::AuthCeremony(value)
     80 /// #     }
     81 /// # }
     82 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"))]
     83 /// let mut ceremonies = FixedCapHashSet::new(128);
     84 /// let rp_id = RpId::Domain(AsciiDomain::try_from("example.com".to_owned())?);
     85 /// let (server, client) = PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions::passkey(&rp_id).start_ceremony()?;
     86 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"))]
     87 /// assert!(matches!(
     88 ///     ceremonies.insert_or_replace_all_expired(server),
     89 ///     InsertResult::Success
     90 /// ));
     91 /// # #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
     92 /// let authentication = serde_json::from_str::<Authentication>(get_authentication_json(client).as_str())?;
     93 /// // `UserHandle` must exist since we sent an empty `AllowedCredentials`.
     94 /// # #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
     95 /// let user_handle = authentication.response().user_handle().ok_or(E::MissingUserHandle)?;
     96 /// # #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
     97 /// let (static_state, dynamic_state) = get_credential(authentication.raw_id(), user_handle).ok_or(E::UnknownCredential)?;
     98 /// # #[cfg(all(feature = "custom", feature = "serde"))]
     99 /// let mut cred = AuthenticatedCredential::new(authentication.raw_id(), user_handle, static_state, dynamic_state)?;
    100 /// # #[cfg(all(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"), feature = "custom", feature = "serde"))]
    101 /// if ceremonies.take(&authentication.challenge()?).ok_or(E::MissingCeremony)?.verify(&rp_id, &authentication, &mut cred, &AuthenticationVerificationOptions::<&str, &str>::default())? {
    102 ///     update_cred(authentication.raw_id(), cred.dynamic_state());
    103 /// }
    104 /// /// Send `AuthenticationClientState` and receive `Authentication` JSON from client.
    105 /// # #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
    106 /// fn get_authentication_json(client: AuthenticationClientState<'_, '_>) -> String {
    107 ///     // ⋮
    108 /// #     let client_data_json = BASE64URL_NOPAD.encode(serde_json::json!({
    109 /// #         "type": "webauthn.get",
    110 /// #         "challenge": client.options().challenge,
    111 /// #         "origin": format!("https://{}", client.options().rp_id.as_ref()),
    112 /// #         "crossOrigin": false
    113 /// #     }).to_string().as_bytes());
    114 /// #     serde_json::json!({
    115 /// #         "id": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    116 /// #         "rawId": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    117 /// #         "response": {
    118 /// #             "clientDataJSON": client_data_json,
    119 /// #             "authenticatorData": "",
    120 /// #             "signature": "",
    121 /// #             "userHandle": "AA"
    122 /// #         },
    123 /// #         "clientExtensionResults": {},
    124 /// #         "type": "public-key"
    125 /// #     }).to_string()
    126 /// }
    127 /// /// Gets the `AuthenticatedCredential` parts associated with `id` and `user_handle` from the database.
    128 /// fn get_credential(id: CredentialId<&[u8]>, user_handle: UserHandle<&[u8]>) -> Option<(StaticState<CompressedPubKey<[u8; 32], [u8; 32], [u8; 48], Vec<u8>>>, DynamicState)> {
    129 ///     // ⋮
    130 /// #     Some((StaticState { credential_public_key: CompressedPubKey::Ed25519(Ed25519PubKey::from([0; 32])), extensions: AuthenticatorExtensionOutputStaticState { cred_protect: CredentialProtectionPolicy::UserVerificationRequired, hmac_secret: None, } }, DynamicState { user_verified: true, backup: Backup::NotEligible, sign_count: 1, authenticator_attachment: AuthenticatorAttachment::None }))
    131 /// }
    132 /// /// Updates the current `DynamicState` associated with `id` in the database to
    133 /// /// `dyn_state`.
    134 /// fn update_cred(id: CredentialId<&[u8]>, dyn_state: DynamicState) {
    135 ///     // ⋮
    136 /// }
    137 /// # Ok::<_, E>(())
    138 /// ```
    139 pub mod auth;
    140 /// Contains functionality to (de)serialize data to a data store.
    141 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "bin")))]
    142 #[cfg(feature = "bin")]
    143 pub mod bin;
    144 /// Contains constants useful for
    145 /// [CTAP2 canonical CBOR encoding form](https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.2-rd-20230321/fido-client-to-authenticator-protocol-v2.2-rd-20230321.html#ctap2-canonical-cbor-encoding-form).
    146 mod cbor;
    147 /// Contains functionality that needs to be accessible when `bin` or `serde` are not enabled.
    148 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "custom")))]
    149 #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    150 mod custom;
    151 /// Contains error types.
    152 pub mod error;
    153 /// Contains functionality for completing the
    154 /// [registration ceremony](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#registration-ceremony).
    155 ///
    156 /// # Examples
    157 ///
    158 /// ```no_run
    159 /// # use data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD;
    160 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"))]
    161 /// # use webauthn_rp::request::{FixedCapHashSet, InsertResult};
    162 /// # use webauthn_rp::{
    163 /// #     request::{register::{error::CreationOptionsErr, PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions, PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity, RegistrationClientState, UserHandle, RegistrationVerificationOptions}, error::AsciiDomainErr, AsciiDomain, PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor, RpId},
    164 /// #     response::{register::{error::RegCeremonyErr, Registration}, error::CollectedClientDataErr, CollectedClientData},
    165 /// #     RegisteredCredential
    166 /// # };
    167 /// # #[derive(Debug)]
    168 /// # enum E {
    169 /// #     CollectedClientData(CollectedClientDataErr),
    170 /// #     RpId(AsciiDomainErr),
    171 /// #     CreationOptions(CreationOptionsErr),
    172 /// #     SerdeJson(serde_json::Error),
    173 /// #     MissingCeremony,
    174 /// #     RegCeremony(RegCeremonyErr),
    175 /// # }
    176 /// # impl From<AsciiDomainErr> for E {
    177 /// #     fn from(value: AsciiDomainErr) -> Self {
    178 /// #         Self::RpId(value)
    179 /// #     }
    180 /// # }
    181 /// # impl From<CollectedClientDataErr> for E {
    182 /// #     fn from(value: CollectedClientDataErr) -> Self {
    183 /// #         Self::CollectedClientData(value)
    184 /// #     }
    185 /// # }
    186 /// # impl From<CreationOptionsErr> for E {
    187 /// #     fn from(value: CreationOptionsErr) -> Self {
    188 /// #         Self::CreationOptions(value)
    189 /// #     }
    190 /// # }
    191 /// # impl From<serde_json::Error> for E {
    192 /// #     fn from(value: serde_json::Error) -> Self {
    193 /// #         Self::SerdeJson(value)
    194 /// #     }
    195 /// # }
    196 /// # impl From<RegCeremonyErr> for E {
    197 /// #     fn from(value: RegCeremonyErr) -> Self {
    198 /// #         Self::RegCeremony(value)
    199 /// #     }
    200 /// # }
    201 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"))]
    202 /// let mut ceremonies = FixedCapHashSet::new(128);
    203 /// let rp_id = RpId::Domain(AsciiDomain::try_from("example.com".to_owned())?);
    204 /// let user_handle = get_user_handle();
    205 /// let handle = (&user_handle).into();
    206 /// let user = get_user_entity(handle);
    207 /// let creds = get_registered_credentials(handle);
    208 /// let (server, client) = PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions::passkey(&rp_id, user, creds).start_ceremony()?;
    209 /// # #[cfg(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"))]
    210 /// assert!(matches!(
    211 ///     ceremonies.insert_or_replace_all_expired(server),
    212 ///     InsertResult::Success
    213 /// ));
    214 /// # #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
    215 /// let registration = serde_json::from_str::<Registration>(get_registration_json(client).as_str())?;
    216 /// let ver_opts = RegistrationVerificationOptions::<&str, &str>::default();
    217 /// # #[cfg(all(not(feature = "serializable_server_state"), feature = "custom", feature = "serde_relaxed"))]
    218 /// insert_cred(ceremonies.take(&registration.challenge()?).ok_or(E::MissingCeremony)?.verify(&rp_id, handle, &registration, &ver_opts)?);
    219 /// /// Extract `UserHandle` from session cookie if this is not the first credential registered.
    220 /// fn get_user_handle() -> UserHandle<Vec<u8>> {
    221 ///     // ⋮
    222 /// #     UserHandle::new()
    223 /// }
    224 /// /// Fetch `PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity` info associated with `user`.
    225 /// ///
    226 /// /// If this is the first time a credential is being registered, then `PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity`
    227 /// /// will need to be constructed with `name` and `display_name` passed from the client and `UserHandle::new`
    228 /// /// used for `id`. Once created, this info can be stored such that the entity information
    229 /// /// does not need to be requested for subsequent registrations.
    230 /// fn get_user_entity(user: UserHandle<&[u8]>) -> PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity<&[u8]> {
    231 ///     // ⋮
    232 /// #     PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity {
    233 /// #         name: "foo".try_into().unwrap(),
    234 /// #         id: user,
    235 /// #         display_name: None,
    236 /// #     }
    237 /// }
    238 /// /// Send `RegistrationClientState` and receive `Registration` JSON from client.
    239 /// # #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
    240 /// fn get_registration_json(client: RegistrationClientState<'_, '_, '_, '_>) -> String {
    241 ///     // ⋮
    242 /// #     let client_data_json = BASE64URL_NOPAD.encode(serde_json::json!({
    243 /// #         "type": "webauthn.create",
    244 /// #         "challenge": client.options().challenge,
    245 /// #         "origin": format!("https://{}", client.options().rp_id.as_ref()),
    246 /// #         "crossOrigin": false
    247 /// #     }).to_string().as_bytes());
    248 /// #     serde_json::json!({
    249 /// #         "response": {
    250 /// #             "clientDataJSON": client_data_json,
    251 /// #             "attestationObject": ""
    252 /// #         }
    253 /// #     }).to_string()
    254 /// }
    255 /// /// Fetch the `PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor`s associated with `user`.
    256 /// ///
    257 /// /// This doesn't need to be called when this is the first credential registered for `user`; instead
    258 /// /// an empty `Vec` should be passed.
    259 /// fn get_registered_credentials(
    260 ///     user: UserHandle<&[u8]>,
    261 /// ) -> Vec<PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor<Vec<u8>>> {
    262 ///     // ⋮
    263 /// #     Vec::new()
    264 /// }
    265 /// /// Inserts `RegisteredCredential::into_parts` into the database.
    266 /// fn insert_cred(cred: RegisteredCredential<'_, '_>) {
    267 ///     // ⋮
    268 /// }
    269 /// # Ok::<_, E>(())
    270 /// ```
    271 pub mod register;
    272 /// Contains functionality to (de)serialize data to/from a client.
    273 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde")))]
    274 #[cfg(feature = "serde")]
    275 mod ser;
    276 /// Contains functionality to deserialize data from a client in a "relaxed" way.
    277 #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")))]
    278 #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
    279 pub mod ser_relaxed;
    280 /// [Backup eligibility](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#backup-eligibility) and
    281 /// [backup state](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#backup-state).
    282 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    283 pub enum Backup {
    284     /// [BE and BS](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags) flags are `0`.
    285     NotEligible,
    286     /// [BE and BS](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags) flags are `1` and `0` respectively.
    287     Eligible,
    288     /// [BE and BS](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags) flags are `1`.
    289     Exists,
    290 }
    291 impl PartialEq<&Self> for Backup {
    292     #[inline]
    293     fn eq(&self, other: &&Self) -> bool {
    294         *self == **other
    295     }
    296 }
    297 impl PartialEq<Backup> for &Backup {
    298     #[inline]
    299     fn eq(&self, other: &Backup) -> bool {
    300         **self == *other
    301     }
    302 }
    303 /// [`AuthenticatorTransport`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#enumdef-authenticatortransport).
    304 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    305 pub enum AuthenticatorTransport {
    306     /// [`ble`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatortransport-ble).
    307     Ble,
    308     /// [`hybrid`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatortransport-hybrid).
    309     Hybrid,
    310     /// [`internal`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatortransport-internal).
    311     Internal,
    312     /// [`nfc`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatortransport-nfc).
    313     Nfc,
    314     /// [`smart-card`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatortransport-smart-card).
    315     SmartCard,
    316     /// [`usb`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatortransport-usb).
    317     Usb,
    318 }
    319 impl AuthenticatorTransport {
    320     /// Returns the encoded [`u8`] that `self` represents.
    321     const fn to_u8(self) -> u8 {
    322         match self {
    323             Self::Ble => 0x1,
    324             Self::Hybrid => 0x2,
    325             Self::Internal => 0x4,
    326             Self::Nfc => 0x8,
    327             Self::SmartCard => 0x10,
    328             Self::Usb => 0x20,
    329         }
    330     }
    331 }
    332 /// Set of [`AuthenticatorTransport`]s.
    333 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    334 pub struct AuthTransports(u8);
    335 impl AuthTransports {
    336     /// An empty `AuthTransports`.
    337     #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "custom")))]
    338     #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    339     pub const NONE: Self = Self::new();
    340     /// An `AuthTransports` containing all possible [`AuthenticatorTransport`]s.
    341     #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "custom")))]
    342     #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    343     pub const ALL: Self = Self::all();
    344     /// Construct an empty `AuthTransports`.
    345     #[cfg(any(feature = "bin", feature = "custom", feature = "serde"))]
    346     pub(super) const fn new() -> Self {
    347         Self(0)
    348     }
    349     #[cfg(any(feature = "bin", feature = "custom"))]
    350     /// Construct an `AuthTransports` containing all `AuthenticatorTransport`s.
    351     const fn all() -> Self {
    352         Self::new()
    353             .add_transport(AuthenticatorTransport::Ble)
    354             .add_transport(AuthenticatorTransport::Hybrid)
    355             .add_transport(AuthenticatorTransport::Internal)
    356             .add_transport(AuthenticatorTransport::Nfc)
    357             .add_transport(AuthenticatorTransport::SmartCard)
    358             .add_transport(AuthenticatorTransport::Usb)
    359     }
    360     /// Returns the number of [`AuthenticatorTransport`]s in `self`.
    361     ///
    362     /// # Examples
    363     ///
    364     /// ```
    365     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::AuthTransports;
    366     /// # #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    367     /// assert_eq!(AuthTransports::ALL.count(), 6);
    368     /// ```
    369     #[inline]
    370     #[must_use]
    371     pub const fn count(self) -> u32 {
    372         self.0.count_ones()
    373     }
    374     /// Returns `true` iff there are no [`AuthenticatorTransport`]s in `self`.
    375     ///
    376     /// # Examples
    377     ///
    378     /// ```
    379     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::AuthTransports;
    380     /// # #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    381     /// assert!(AuthTransports::NONE.is_empty());
    382     /// ```
    383     #[inline]
    384     #[must_use]
    385     pub const fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
    386         self.0 == 0
    387     }
    388     /// Returns `true` iff `self` contains `transport`.
    389     ///
    390     /// # Examples
    391     ///
    392     /// ```
    393     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::{AuthTransports, AuthenticatorTransport};
    394     /// # #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    395     /// assert!(AuthTransports::ALL.contains(AuthenticatorTransport::Ble));
    396     /// ```
    397     #[inline]
    398     #[must_use]
    399     pub const fn contains(self, transport: AuthenticatorTransport) -> bool {
    400         let val = transport.to_u8();
    401         self.0 & val == val
    402     }
    403     /// Returns a copy of `self` with `transport` added.
    404     ///
    405     /// `self` is returned iff `transport` already exists.
    406     #[cfg(any(feature = "bin", feature = "custom", feature = "serde"))]
    407     const fn add_transport(self, transport: AuthenticatorTransport) -> Self {
    408         Self(self.0 | transport.to_u8())
    409     }
    410     /// Returns a copy of `self` with `transport` added.
    411     ///
    412     /// `self` is returned iff `transport` already exists.
    413     ///
    414     /// # Examples
    415     ///
    416     /// ```
    417     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::{AuthTransports, AuthenticatorTransport};
    418     /// assert_eq!(
    419     ///     AuthTransports::NONE
    420     ///         .add(AuthenticatorTransport::Usb)
    421     ///         .count(),
    422     ///     1
    423     /// );
    424     /// assert_eq!(
    425     ///     AuthTransports::ALL.add(AuthenticatorTransport::Usb).count(),
    426     ///     6
    427     /// );
    428     /// ```
    429     #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "custom")))]
    430     #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    431     #[inline]
    432     #[must_use]
    433     pub const fn add(self, transport: AuthenticatorTransport) -> Self {
    434         self.add_transport(transport)
    435     }
    436     /// Returns a copy of `self` with `transport` removed.
    437     ///
    438     /// `self` is returned iff `transport` did not exist.
    439     ///
    440     /// # Examples
    441     ///
    442     /// ```
    443     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::{AuthTransports, AuthenticatorTransport};
    444     /// assert_eq!(
    445     ///     AuthTransports::ALL
    446     ///         .remove(AuthenticatorTransport::Internal)
    447     ///         .count(),
    448     ///     5
    449     /// );
    450     /// assert_eq!(
    451     ///     AuthTransports::NONE.remove(AuthenticatorTransport::Usb).count(),
    452     ///     0
    453     /// );
    454     /// ```
    455     #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "custom")))]
    456     #[cfg(feature = "custom")]
    457     #[inline]
    458     #[must_use]
    459     pub const fn remove(self, transport: AuthenticatorTransport) -> Self {
    460         Self(self.0 & !transport.to_u8())
    461     }
    462 }
    463 /// [`AuthenticatorAttachment`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#enumdef-authenticatorattachment).
    464 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    465 pub enum AuthenticatorAttachment {
    466     /// No attachment information.
    467     None,
    468     /// [`platform`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatorattachment-platform).
    469     Platform,
    470     /// [`cross-platform`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatorattachment-cross-platform).
    471     CrossPlatform,
    472 }
    473 impl PartialEq<&Self> for AuthenticatorAttachment {
    474     #[inline]
    475     fn eq(&self, other: &&Self) -> bool {
    476         *self == **other
    477     }
    478 }
    479 impl PartialEq<AuthenticatorAttachment> for &AuthenticatorAttachment {
    480     #[inline]
    481     fn eq(&self, other: &AuthenticatorAttachment) -> bool {
    482         **self == *other
    483     }
    484 }
    485 /// The maximum number of bytes that can make up a Credential ID
    486 /// [per WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#credential-id)
    487 pub const CRED_ID_MAX_LEN: usize = 1023;
    488 /// The minimum number of bytes that can make up a Credential ID
    489 /// [per WebAuthn](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#credential-id).
    490 ///
    491 /// The spec does not call out this value directly instead it states the following:
    492 ///
    493 /// > Credential IDs are generated by authenticators in two forms:
    494 /// >
    495 /// > * At least 16 bytes that include at least 100 bits of entropy, or
    496 /// > * The [public key credential source](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#public-key-credential-source),
    497 /// >   without its Credential ID or mutable items, encrypted so only its managing
    498 /// >   authenticator can decrypt it. This form allows the authenticator to be nearly
    499 /// >   stateless, by having the Relying Party store any necessary state.
    500 ///
    501 /// One of the immutable items of the public key credential source is the private key
    502 /// which for any real-world signature algorithm will always be at least 16 bytes.
    503 pub const CRED_ID_MIN_LEN: usize = 16;
    504 /// A [Credential ID](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#credential-id) that is made up of
    505 /// [`CRED_ID_MIN_LEN`]–[`CRED_ID_MAX_LEN`] bytes.
    506 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    507 pub struct CredentialId<T>(T);
    508 impl<T> CredentialId<T> {
    509     /// Returns the contained data consuming `self`.
    510     #[inline]
    511     pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
    512         self.0
    513     }
    514     /// Returns the contained data.
    515     #[inline]
    516     pub const fn inner(&self) -> &T {
    517         &self.0
    518     }
    519 }
    520 impl<'a> CredentialId<&'a [u8]> {
    521     /// Creates a `CredentialId` from a `slice`.
    522     fn from_slice<'b: 'a>(value: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Self, CredentialIdErr> {
    523         if (CRED_ID_MIN_LEN..=CRED_ID_MAX_LEN).contains(&value.len()) {
    524             Ok(Self(value))
    525         } else {
    526             Err(CredentialIdErr)
    527         }
    528     }
    529 }
    530 impl<T: AsRef<[u8]>> AsRef<[u8]> for CredentialId<T> {
    531     #[inline]
    532     fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
    533         self.0.as_ref()
    534     }
    535 }
    536 impl<T: Borrow<[u8]>> Borrow<[u8]> for CredentialId<T> {
    537     #[inline]
    538     fn borrow(&self) -> &[u8] {
    539         self.0.borrow()
    540     }
    541 }
    542 impl<'a: 'b, 'b> From<&'a CredentialId<Vec<u8>>> for CredentialId<&'b Vec<u8>> {
    543     #[inline]
    544     fn from(value: &'a CredentialId<Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
    545         Self(&value.0)
    546     }
    547 }
    548 impl<'a: 'b, 'b> From<CredentialId<&'a Vec<u8>>> for CredentialId<&'b [u8]> {
    549     #[inline]
    550     fn from(value: CredentialId<&'a Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
    551         Self(value.0.as_slice())
    552     }
    553 }
    554 impl<'a: 'b, 'b> From<&'a CredentialId<Vec<u8>>> for CredentialId<&'b [u8]> {
    555     #[inline]
    556     fn from(value: &'a CredentialId<Vec<u8>>) -> Self {
    557         Self(value.0.as_slice())
    558     }
    559 }
    560 impl From<CredentialId<&[u8]>> for CredentialId<Vec<u8>> {
    561     #[inline]
    562     fn from(value: CredentialId<&[u8]>) -> Self {
    563         Self(value.0.to_owned())
    564     }
    565 }
    566 impl<T: PartialEq<T2>, T2: PartialEq<T>> PartialEq<CredentialId<T>> for CredentialId<T2> {
    567     #[inline]
    568     fn eq(&self, other: &CredentialId<T>) -> bool {
    569         self.0 == other.0
    570     }
    571 }
    572 impl<T: PartialEq<T2>, T2: PartialEq<T>> PartialEq<CredentialId<T>> for &CredentialId<T2> {
    573     #[inline]
    574     fn eq(&self, other: &CredentialId<T>) -> bool {
    575         **self == *other
    576     }
    577 }
    578 impl<T: PartialEq<T2>, T2: PartialEq<T>> PartialEq<&CredentialId<T>> for CredentialId<T2> {
    579     #[inline]
    580     fn eq(&self, other: &&CredentialId<T>) -> bool {
    581         *self == **other
    582     }
    583 }
    584 impl<T: Eq> Eq for CredentialId<T> {}
    585 impl<T: Hash> Hash for CredentialId<T> {
    586     #[inline]
    587     fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
    588         self.0.hash(state);
    589     }
    590 }
    591 // We define a separate type to ensure challenges sent to the client are always randomly generated;
    592 // otherwise one could deserialize arbitrary data into a `Challenge`.
    593 /// Copy of [`Challenge`] sent back from the client.
    594 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
    595 pub struct SentChallenge(pub u128);
    596 impl PartialEq<&Self> for SentChallenge {
    597     #[inline]
    598     fn eq(&self, other: &&Self) -> bool {
    599         *self == **other
    600     }
    601 }
    602 impl PartialEq<SentChallenge> for &SentChallenge {
    603     #[inline]
    604     fn eq(&self, other: &SentChallenge) -> bool {
    605         **self == *other
    606     }
    607 }
    608 impl PartialOrd for SentChallenge {
    609     #[inline]
    610     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
    611         Some(self.cmp(other))
    612     }
    613 }
    614 impl Ord for SentChallenge {
    615     #[inline]
    616     fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
    617         self.0.cmp(&other.0)
    618     }
    619 }
    620 impl Hash for SentChallenge {
    621     #[inline]
    622     fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
    623         state.write_u128(self.0);
    624     }
    625 }
    626 /// An [`origin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-origin) or
    627 /// [`topOrigin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-toporigin).
    628 #[derive(Debug, Eq)]
    629 pub struct Origin<'a>(pub Cow<'a, str>);
    630 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for Origin<'_> {
    631     #[inline]
    632     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    633         self.0 == other.0
    634     }
    635 }
    636 impl PartialEq<&Origin<'_>> for Origin<'_> {
    637     #[inline]
    638     fn eq(&self, other: &&Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    639         *self == **other
    640     }
    641 }
    642 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for &Origin<'_> {
    643     #[inline]
    644     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    645         **self == *other
    646     }
    647 }
    648 impl PartialEq<str> for Origin<'_> {
    649     #[inline]
    650     fn eq(&self, other: &str) -> bool {
    651         self.0.as_ref() == other
    652     }
    653 }
    654 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for str {
    655     #[inline]
    656     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    657         *other == *self
    658     }
    659 }
    660 impl PartialEq<&str> for Origin<'_> {
    661     #[inline]
    662     fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
    663         *self == **other
    664     }
    665 }
    666 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for &str {
    667     #[inline]
    668     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    669         **self == *other
    670     }
    671 }
    672 impl PartialEq<String> for Origin<'_> {
    673     #[inline]
    674     fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool {
    675         self.0 == *other
    676     }
    677 }
    678 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for String {
    679     #[inline]
    680     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    681         *other == *self
    682     }
    683 }
    684 impl PartialEq<Url> for Origin<'_> {
    685     #[inline]
    686     fn eq(&self, other: &Url) -> bool {
    687         self.0.as_ref() == other.as_ref()
    688     }
    689 }
    690 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for Url {
    691     #[inline]
    692     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    693         *other == *self
    694     }
    695 }
    696 impl PartialEq<&Url> for Origin<'_> {
    697     #[inline]
    698     fn eq(&self, other: &&Url) -> bool {
    699         *self == **other
    700     }
    701 }
    702 impl PartialEq<Origin<'_>> for &Url {
    703     #[inline]
    704     fn eq(&self, other: &Origin<'_>) -> bool {
    705         **self == *other
    706     }
    707 }
    708 /// [Authenticator data flags](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags).
    709 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    710 pub struct Flag {
    711     /// [`UP` flag](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-up).
    712     ///
    713     /// Note this is always `true` when part of [`auth::AuthenticatorData::flags`].
    714     pub user_present: bool,
    715     /// [`UV` flag](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#concept-user-verified).
    716     pub user_verified: bool,
    717     /// [`BE`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#backup-eligibility) and
    718     /// [`BS`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#backup-state) flags.
    719     pub backup: Backup,
    720 }
    721 /// [Authenticator data](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticator-data).
    722 pub(super) trait AuthData<'a>: Sized {
    723     /// Error returned by [`Self::user_is_not_present`].
    724     ///
    725     /// This should be [`Infallible`] in the event user must not always be present.
    726     type UpBitErr;
    727     /// [`attestedCredentialData`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-attestedcredentialdata).
    728     type CredData;
    729     /// [`extensions`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-extensions).
    730     type Ext: AuthExtOutput + Copy;
    731     /// Errors iff the user must always be present.
    732     fn user_is_not_present() -> Result<(), Self::UpBitErr>;
    733     /// `true` iff `AT` bit (i.e., bit 6) in [`Self::flag_data`] can and must be set to 1.
    734     fn contains_at_bit() -> bool;
    735     /// Constructor.
    736     fn new(rp_id_hash: &'a [u8], flags: Flag, sign_count: u32, attested_credential_data: Self::CredData, extensions: Self::Ext) -> Self;
    737     /// [`rpIdHash`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-rpidhash).
    738     fn rp_hash(&self) -> &'a [u8];
    739     /// [`flags`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags).
    740     fn flag(&self) -> Flag;
    741 }
    742 /// [`CollectedClientData`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-collectedclientdata).
    743 #[derive(Debug)]
    744 pub struct CollectedClientData<'a> {
    745     /// [`challenge`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-challenge).
    746     pub challenge: SentChallenge,
    747     /// [`origin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-origin).
    748     pub origin: Origin<'a>,
    749     /// [`crossOrigin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-crossorigin).
    750     pub cross_origin: bool,
    751     /// [`topOrigin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-toporigin).
    752     ///
    753     /// When `CollectedClientData` is constructed via [`Self::from_client_data_json`], this can only be
    754     /// `Some` if [`Self::cross_origin`]; and if `Some`, it will be different than [`Self::origin`].
    755     pub top_origin: Option<Origin<'a>>,
    756 }
    757 impl<'a> CollectedClientData<'a> {
    758     /// Parses `json` based on the
    759     /// [limited verification algorithm](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#clientdatajson-verification).
    760     ///
    761     /// Additionally, [`topOrigin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-toporigin) is only
    762     /// allowed to exist if it has a different value than
    763     /// [`origin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-origin) and
    764     /// [`crossOrigin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-crossorigin) is `true`.
    765     ///
    766     /// `REGISTRATION` iff [`type`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-type) must be
    767     /// `"webauthn.create"`; otherwise it must be `"webauthn.get"`.
    768     ///
    769     /// # Errors
    770     ///
    771     /// Errors iff `json` cannot be parsed based on the aforementioned requirements.
    772     ///
    773     /// # Examples
    774     ///
    775     /// ```
    776     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::{error::CollectedClientDataErr, CollectedClientData};
    777     /// assert!(!CollectedClientData::from_client_data_json::<true>(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice())?.cross_origin);
    778     /// assert!(!CollectedClientData::from_client_data_json::<false>(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice())?.cross_origin);
    779     /// # Ok::<_, CollectedClientDataErr>(())
    780     /// ```
    781     #[inline]
    782     pub fn from_client_data_json<'b: 'a, const REGISTRATION: bool>(json: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Self, CollectedClientDataErr> {
    783         LimitedVerificationParser::<REGISTRATION>::parse(json)
    784     }
    785     /// Parses `json` in a "relaxed" way.
    786     ///
    787     /// Unlike [`Self::from_client_data_json`] which requires `json` to be an output from the
    788     /// [JSON-compatible serialization of client data](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#clientdatajson-serialization),
    789     /// this parses `json` based entirely on the
    790     /// [`CollectedClientData`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-collectedclientdata) Web IDL `dictionary`.
    791     ///
    792     /// L1 clients predate the JSON-compatible serialization of client data; additionally there are L2 and L3
    793     /// clients that don't adhere to the JSON-compatible serialization of client data despite being required to.
    794     /// These clients serialize `CollectedClientData` so that it's valid JSON and conforms to the Web IDL `dictionary`
    795     /// and nothing more. Furthermore, when not relying on the
    796     /// [limited verification algorithm](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#clientdatajson-verification), the spec
    797     /// requires the data to be decoded in a way equivalent to
    798     /// [UTF-8 decode](https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#utf-8-decode) which both interprets a leading zero
    799     /// width no-breaking space (i.e., U+FEFF) as a byte-order mark (BOM) as well as replaces any sequences of
    800     /// invalid UTF-8 code units with the replacement character (i.e., U+FFFD). That is precisely what this
    801     /// function does.
    802     ///
    803     /// # Errors
    804     ///
    805     /// Errors iff any of the following is true:
    806     /// * The payload is not valid JSON _after_ ignoring a leading U+FEFF and replacing any sequences of invalid
    807     ///   UTF-8 code units with U+FFFD.
    808     /// * The JSON does not conform to the Web IDL `dictionary`.
    809     /// * [`type`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-type) is not `"webauthn.create"`
    810     ///   or `"webauthn.get"` when `REGISTRATION` and `!REGISTRATION` respectively.
    811     /// * [`challenge`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-challenge) is not a
    812     ///   base64url-encoded [`Challenge`].
    813     /// * Existence of duplicate keys for the keys that are expected.
    814     ///
    815     /// # Examples
    816     ///
    817     /// ```
    818     /// # use webauthn_rp::response::{ser_relaxed::SerdeJsonErr, CollectedClientData};
    819     /// assert!(!CollectedClientData::from_client_data_json_relaxed::<true>(b"\xef\xbb\xbf{
    820     ///   \"type\": \"webauthn.create\",
    821     ///   \"origin\": \"https://example.com\",
    822     ///   \"f\xffo\": 123,
    823     ///   \"topOrigin\": \"https://example.com\",
    824     ///   \"challenge\": \"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\"
    825     /// }")?.cross_origin);
    826     /// # Ok::<_, SerdeJsonErr>(())
    827     /// ```
    828     #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")))]
    829     #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
    830     #[inline]
    831     pub fn from_client_data_json_relaxed<'b: 'a, const REGISTRATION: bool>(json: &'b [u8]) -> Result<Self, SerdeJsonErr> {
    832         ser_relaxed::RelaxedClientDataJsonParser::<REGISTRATION>::parse(json)
    833     }
    834 }
    835 /// Parser of 
    836 /// [`JSON-compatible serialization of client data`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#collectedclientdata-json-compatible-serialization-of-client-data).
    837 trait ClientDataJsonParser {
    838     /// Error returned by [`Self::parse`].
    839     type Err;
    840     /// Parses `json` into `CollectedClientData` based on the value of
    841     /// [`type`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-type).
    842     ///
    843     /// # Errors
    844     ///
    845     /// Errors iff `json` cannot be parsed into a `CollectedClientData`.
    846     fn parse(json: &[u8]) -> Result<CollectedClientData<'_>, Self::Err>;
    847     /// Extracts [`challenge`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-challenge)
    848     /// from `json`.
    849     ///
    850     /// Note `json` should be minimally parsed such that only `challenge` is extracted; thus
    851     /// `Ok` being returned does _not_ mean `json` is in fact valid.
    852     fn get_sent_challenge(json: &[u8]) -> Result<SentChallenge, Self::Err>;
    853 }
    854 /// [`ClientDataJsonParser`] based on the
    855 /// [limited verification algorithm](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#clientdatajson-verification)
    856 /// with the following additional requirements:
    857 /// * Unknown keys are not allowed.
    858 /// * The entire payload is parsed; thus the payload is guaranteed to be valid UTF-8 and JSON.
    859 /// * [`CollectedClientData::top_origin`] can only be `Some` if
    860 ///   [`crossOrigin`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-crossorigin).
    861 /// * If `CollectedClientData::top_origin` is `Some`, then it does not equal [`CollectedClientData::origin`].
    862 ///
    863 /// `REGISTRATION` iff [`ClientDataJsonParser::parse`] requires
    864 /// [`type`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-collectedclientdata-type) to be `"webauthn.create"`;
    865 /// otherwise it must be `"webauthn.get"`.
    866 struct LimitedVerificationParser<const REGISTRATION: bool>;
    867 impl<const R: bool> LimitedVerificationParser<R> {
    868     /// Parses `val` as a JSON string with possibly trailing data. `val` MUST NOT begin with an opening quote. Upon
    869     /// encountering the first non-escaped quote, the parsed value is returned in addition to the remaining
    870     /// portion of `val` _after_ the closing quote. The limited verification algorithm is adhered to; thus the
    871     /// _only_ Unicode scalar values that are allowed (and must) be hex-escaped are U+0000 to U+001F inclusively.
    872     /// Similarly only `b'\\'` and `b'"'` are allowed (and must) be escaped with `b'\\'`.
    873     #[expect(unsafe_code, reason = "comment justifies its correctness")] 
    874     #[expect(clippy::arithmetic_side_effects, clippy::indexing_slicing, reason = "comments justify their correctness")]
    875     fn parse_string(val: &[u8]) -> Result<(Cow<'_, str>, &'_ [u8]), CollectedClientDataErr> {
    876         /// Tracks the state of the current Unicode scalar value that is being parsed.
    877         enum State {
    878             /// We are not parsing `'"'`, `'\\'`, or U+0000 to U+001F.
    879             Normal,
    880             /// We just encountered the escape character.
    881             Escape,
    882             /// We just encountered `b"\\u"`.
    883             UnicodeEscape,
    884             /// We just encountered `b"\\u0"`.
    885             UnicodeHex1,
    886             /// We just encountered `b"\\u00"`.
    887             UnicodeHex2,
    888             /// We just encountered `b"\\u000"` or `b"\\u001"`. The contained `u8` is `0` iff the former; otherwise
    889             /// `0x10`.
    890             UnicodeHex3(u8),
    891         }
    892         // We parse this as UTF-8 only at the end iff it is not empty. This contains all the potential Unicode scalar
    893         // values after de-escaping.
    894         let mut utf8 = Vec::new();
    895         // We check for all `u8`s already; thus we might as well check if we encounter a non-ASCII `u8`.
    896         // If we don't, then we can rely on `str::from_utf8_unchecked`.
    897         let mut all_ascii = true;
    898         // This tracks the start index of the next slice to add. We add slices iff we encounter the escape character or
    899         // we return the parsed `Cow` (i.e., encounter an unescaped `b'"'`).
    900         let mut cur_idx = 0;
    901         // The state of the yet-to-be-parsed Unicode scalar value.
    902         let mut state = State::Normal;
    903         for (counter, &b) in val.iter().enumerate() {
    904             match state {
    905                 State::Normal => {
    906                     match b {
    907                         b'"' => {
    908                             if utf8.is_empty() {
    909                                 if all_ascii {
    910                                     // `cur_idx` is 0 or 1. The latter is true iff `val` starts with a
    911                                     // `b'\\'` or `b'"'` but contains no other escaped characters.
    912                                     let s = &val[cur_idx..counter];
    913                                     // SAFETY:
    914                                     // `all_ascii` is `false` iff we encountered any `u8` that was not
    915                                     // an ASCII `u8`; thus we know `s` is valid ASCII which in turn means
    916                                     // it's valid UTF-8.
    917                                     let v = unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(s) };
    918                                     // `val.len() > counter`, so indexing is fine and overflow cannot happen.
    919                                     return Ok((Cow::Borrowed(v), &val[counter + 1..]));
    920                                 }
    921                                 // `cur_idx` is 0 or 1. The latter is true iff `val` starts with a
    922                                 // `b'\\'` or `b'"'` but contains no other escaped characters.
    923                                 return str::from_utf8(&val[cur_idx..counter])
    924                                     .map_err(CollectedClientDataErr::Utf8)
    925                                     // `val.len() > counter`, so indexing is fine and overflow cannot happen.
    926                                     .map(|v| (Cow::Borrowed(v), &val[counter + 1..]));
    927                             }
    928                             // `val.len() > counter && counter >= cur_idx`, so indexing is fine and overflow
    929                             // cannot happen.
    930                             utf8.extend_from_slice(&val[cur_idx..counter]);
    931                             if all_ascii {
    932                                 // SAFETY:
    933                                 // `all_ascii` is `false` iff we encountered any `u8` that was not
    934                                 // an ASCII `u8`; thus we know `utf8` is valid ASCII which in turn means
    935                                 // it's valid UTF-8.
    936                                 let v = unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(utf8) };
    937                                 // `val.len() > counter`, so indexing is fine and overflow cannot happen.
    938                                 return Ok((Cow::Owned(v), &val[counter + 1..]));
    939                             }
    940                             return String::from_utf8(utf8)
    941                                 .map_err(CollectedClientDataErr::Utf8Owned)
    942                                 // `val.len() > counter`, so indexing is fine and overflow cannot happen.
    943                                 .map(|v| (Cow::Owned(v), &val[counter + 1..]));
    944                         }
    945                         b'\\' => {
    946                             // Write the current slice of data.
    947                             utf8.extend_from_slice(&val[cur_idx..counter]);
    948                             state = State::Escape;
    949                         }
    950                         // ASCII is a subset of UTF-8 and this is a subset of ASCII. The code unit that is used for an
    951                         // ASCII Unicode scalar value _never_ appears in multi-code-unit Unicode scalar values; thus we
    952                         // error immediately.
    953                         ..=0x1f => return Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
    954                         128.. => all_ascii = false,
    955                         _ => (),
    956                     }
    957                 }
    958                 State::Escape => {
    959                     match b {
    960                         b'"' | b'\\' => {
    961                             // We start the next slice here since we need to add it.
    962                             cur_idx = counter;
    963                             state = State::Normal;
    964                         }
    965                         b'u' => {
    966                             state = State::UnicodeEscape;
    967                         }
    968                         _ => {
    969                             return Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString);
    970                         }
    971                     }
    972                 }
    973                 State::UnicodeEscape => {
    974                     if b != b'0' {
    975                         return Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString);
    976                     }
    977                     state = State::UnicodeHex1;
    978                 }
    979                 State::UnicodeHex1 => {
    980                     if b != b'0' {
    981                         return Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString);
    982                     }
    983                     state = State::UnicodeHex2;
    984                 }
    985                 State::UnicodeHex2 => {
    986                     state = State::UnicodeHex3(match b {
    987                         b'0' => 0,
    988                         b'1' => 0x10,
    989                         _ => return Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
    990                     });
    991                 }
    992                 State::UnicodeHex3(v) => {
    993                     match b {
    994                         // Only and all _lowercase_ hex is allowed.
    995                         b'0'..=b'9' | b'a'..=b'f' => {
    996                             // When `b < b'a'`, then `b >= b'0'`; and `b'a' > 87`; thus underflow cannot happen.
    997                             // Note `b'a' - 10 == 87`.
    998                             utf8.push(v | (b - if b < b'a' { b'0' } else { 87 }));
    999                             // `counter < val.len()`, so overflow cannot happen.
   1000                             cur_idx = counter + 1;
   1001                             state = State::Normal;
   1002                         }
   1003                         _ => return Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
   1004                     }
   1005                 }
   1006             }
   1007         }
   1008         // We never encountered an unescaped `b'"'`; thus we could not parse a string.
   1009         Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject)
   1010     }
   1011 }
   1012 impl<const R: bool> ClientDataJsonParser for LimitedVerificationParser<R> {
   1013     type Err = CollectedClientDataErr;
   1014     #[expect(clippy::panic_in_result_fn, reason = "want to crash when there is a bug")]
   1015     #[expect(clippy::little_endian_bytes, reason = "Challenge::serialize and this need to be consistent across architectures")]
   1016     #[expect(clippy::too_many_lines, reason = "110 lines is fine")]
   1017     fn parse(json: &[u8]) -> Result<CollectedClientData<'_>, Self::Err> {
   1018         // `{"type":"webauthn.<create|get>","challenge":"<22 bytes>","origin":"<bytes>","crossOrigin":<true|false>[,"topOrigin":"<bytes>"][,<anything>]}`.
   1019         /// First portion of `value`.
   1020         const HEADER: &[u8; 18] = br#"{"type":"webauthn."#;
   1021         /// `get`.
   1022         const GET: &[u8; 3] = b"get";
   1023         /// `create`.
   1024         const CREATE: &[u8; 6] = b"create";
   1025         /// Value after type before the start of the base64url-encoded challenge.
   1026         const AFTER_TYPE: &[u8; 15] = br#"","challenge":""#;
   1027         /// Value after challenge before the start of the origin value.
   1028         const AFTER_CHALLENGE: &[u8; 12] = br#"","origin":""#;
   1029         /// Value after origin before the start of the crossOrigin value.
   1030         const AFTER_ORIGIN: &[u8; 15] = br#","crossOrigin":"#;
   1031         /// `true`.
   1032         const TRUE: &[u8; 4] = b"true";
   1033         /// `false`.
   1034         const FALSE: &[u8; 5] = b"false";
   1035         /// Value after crossOrigin before the start of the topOrigin value.
   1036         const AFTER_CROSS: &[u8; 13] = br#""topOrigin":""#;
   1037         json.split_last().ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(last, last_rem)| {
   1038             if *last == b'}' {
   1039                 last_rem.split_at_checked(HEADER.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(header, header_rem)| {
   1040                     if header == HEADER {
   1041                         if R {
   1042                             header_rem.split_at_checked(CREATE.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(create, create_rem)| {
   1043                                 if create == CREATE {
   1044                                     Ok(create_rem)
   1045                                 } else {
   1046                                     Err(CollectedClientDataErr::Type)
   1047                                 }
   1048                             })
   1049                         } else {
   1050                             header_rem.split_at_checked(GET.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(get, get_rem)| {
   1051                                 if get == GET {
   1052                                     Ok(get_rem)
   1053                                 } else {
   1054                                     Err(CollectedClientDataErr::Type)
   1055                                 }
   1056                             })
   1057                         }.and_then(|type_rem| {
   1058                             type_rem.split_at_checked(AFTER_TYPE.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(chall_key, chall_key_rem)| {
   1059                                 if chall_key == AFTER_TYPE {
   1060                                     chall_key_rem.split_at_checked(Challenge::BASE64_LEN).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(base64_chall, base64_chall_rem)| {
   1061                                         let mut chall = [0; 16];
   1062                                         BASE64URL_NOPAD.decode_mut(base64_chall, chall.as_mut_slice()).map_err(|_e| CollectedClientDataErr::Challenge).and_then(|chall_len| {
   1063                                             assert_eq!(chall_len, 16, "there is a bug in BASE64URL_NOPAD::decode_mut");
   1064                                             base64_chall_rem.split_at_checked(AFTER_CHALLENGE.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(origin_key, origin_key_rem)| {
   1065                                                 if origin_key == AFTER_CHALLENGE {
   1066                                                     Self::parse_string(origin_key_rem).and_then(|(origin, origin_rem)| {
   1067                                                         origin_rem.split_at_checked(AFTER_ORIGIN.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(cross_key, cross_key_rem)| {
   1068                                                             if cross_key == AFTER_ORIGIN {
   1069                                                                 // `FALSE.len() > TRUE.len()`, so we check for `FALSE` in `and_then`.
   1070                                                                 cross_key_rem.split_at_checked(TRUE.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(cross_true, cross_true_rem)| {
   1071                                                                     if cross_true == TRUE {
   1072                                                                         Ok((true, cross_true_rem))
   1073                                                                     } else {
   1074                                                                         cross_key_rem.split_at_checked(FALSE.len()).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|(cross_false, cross_false_rem)| {
   1075                                                                             if cross_false == FALSE {
   1076                                                                                 Ok((false, cross_false_rem))
   1077                                                                             } else {
   1078                                                                                 Err(CollectedClientDataErr::CrossOrigin)
   1079                                                                             }
   1080                                                                         })
   1081                                                                     }.and_then(|(cross, cross_rem)| {
   1082                                                                         cross_rem.split_first().map_or(Ok((cross, None)), |(comma, comma_rem)| {
   1083                                                                             if *comma == b',' {
   1084                                                                                 comma_rem.split_at_checked(AFTER_CROSS.len()).map_or(Ok((cross, None)), |(top, top_rem)| {
   1085                                                                                     if top == AFTER_CROSS {
   1086                                                                                         if cross {
   1087                                                                                             Self::parse_string(top_rem).and_then(|(top_origin, top_origin_rem)| {
   1088                                                                                                 top_origin_rem.first().map_or(Ok(()), |v| {
   1089                                                                                                     if *v == b',' {
   1090                                                                                                         Ok(())
   1091                                                                                                     } else {
   1092                                                                                                         Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject)
   1093                                                                                                     }
   1094                                                                                                 }).and_then(|()| {
   1095                                                                                                     if origin == top_origin {
   1096                                                                                                         Err(CollectedClientDataErr::TopOriginSameAsOrigin)
   1097                                                                                                     } else {
   1098                                                                                                         Ok((true, Some(Origin(top_origin))))
   1099                                                                                                     }
   1100                                                                                                 })
   1101                                                                                             })
   1102                                                                                         } else {
   1103                                                                                             Err(CollectedClientDataErr::TopOriginWithoutCrossOrigin)
   1104                                                                                         }
   1105                                                                                     } else {
   1106                                                                                         Ok((cross, None))
   1107                                                                                     }
   1108                                                                                 })
   1109                                                                             } else {
   1110                                                                                 Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject)
   1111                                                                             }
   1112                                                                         }).map(|(cross_origin, top_origin)| CollectedClientData { challenge: SentChallenge(u128::from_le_bytes(chall)), origin: Origin(origin), cross_origin, top_origin, })
   1113                                                                     })
   1114                                                                 })
   1115                                                             } else {
   1116                                                                 Err(CollectedClientDataErr::CrossOriginKey)
   1117                                                             }
   1118                                                         })
   1119                                                     })
   1120                                                 } else {
   1121                                                     Err(CollectedClientDataErr::OriginKey)
   1122                                                 }
   1123                                             })
   1124                                         })
   1125                                     })
   1126                                 } else {
   1127                                     Err(CollectedClientDataErr::ChallengeKey)
   1128                                 }
   1129                             })
   1130                         })
   1131                     } else {
   1132                         Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidStart)
   1133                     }
   1134                 })
   1135             } else {
   1136                 Err(CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject)
   1137             }
   1138         })
   1139     }
   1140     #[expect(clippy::panic_in_result_fn, reason = "want to crash when there is a bug")]
   1141     #[expect(clippy::arithmetic_side_effects, reason = "comment justifies correctness")]
   1142     #[expect(clippy::little_endian_bytes, reason = "Challenge::serialize and this need to be consistent across architectures")]
   1143     fn get_sent_challenge(json: &[u8]) -> Result<SentChallenge, Self::Err> {
   1144         // Index 39.
   1145         // `{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"...`.
   1146         // Index 36.
   1147         // `{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"...`.
   1148         let idx = if R { 39 } else { 36 };
   1149         // This maxes at 39 + 22 = 61; thus overflow is not an issue.
   1150         json.get(idx..idx + Challenge::BASE64_LEN).ok_or(CollectedClientDataErr::Len).and_then(|chall_slice| {
   1151             let mut chall = [0; 16];
   1152             BASE64URL_NOPAD.decode_mut(chall_slice, chall.as_mut_slice()).map_err(|_e| CollectedClientDataErr::Challenge).map(|len| {
   1153                 assert_eq!(len, 16, "there is a bug in BASE64URL_NOPAD::decode_mut");
   1154                 SentChallenge(u128::from_le_bytes(chall))
   1155             })
   1156         })
   1157     }
   1158 }
   1159 /// Authenticator extension outputs;
   1160 pub(super) trait AuthExtOutput {
   1161     /// MUST return `true` iff there is no data.
   1162     fn missing(self) -> bool;
   1163 }
   1164 /// Successful return type from [`FromCbor::from_cbor`].
   1165 struct CborSuccess<'a, T> {
   1166     /// Value parsed from the slice.
   1167     value: T,
   1168     /// Remaining unprocessed data.
   1169     remaining: &'a [u8],
   1170 }
   1171 /// Types that parse
   1172 /// [CTAP2 canonical CBOR encoding form](https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.2-rd-20230321/fido-client-to-authenticator-protocol-v2.2-rd-20230321.html#ctap2-canonical-cbor-encoding-form)
   1173 /// data without necessarily consuming all the data.
   1174 ///
   1175 /// The purpose of this `trait` is to allow chains of types to progressively consume `cbor` by passing
   1176 /// [`CborSuccess::remaining`] into the next `FromCbor` type.
   1177 trait FromCbor<'a>: Sized {
   1178     /// Error when conversion fails.
   1179     type Err;
   1180     /// Parses `cbor` into `Self`.
   1181     ///
   1182     /// # Errors
   1183     ///
   1184     /// Errors if `cbor` cannot be parsed into `Self:`.
   1185     fn from_cbor(cbor: &'a [u8]) -> Result<CborSuccess<'a, Self>, Self::Err>;
   1186 }
   1187 /// Error returned from [`A::from_cbor`] `where A: AuthData`.
   1188 enum AuthenticatorDataErr<UpErr, CredData, AuthExt> {
   1189     /// The `slice` had an invalid length.
   1190     Len,
   1191     /// [UP](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-at) bit was 0.
   1192     UserNotPresent(UpErr),
   1193     /// Bit 1 in [`flags`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags) is not 0.
   1194     FlagsBit1Not0,
   1195     /// Bit 5 in [`flags`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags) is not 0.
   1196     FlagsBit5Not0,
   1197     /// [AT](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-at) bit was 0 during registration or was 1
   1198     /// during authentication.
   1199     AttestedCredentialData,
   1200     /// [BE](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-be) and
   1201     /// [BS](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-bs) bits were 0 and 1 respectively.
   1202     BackupWithoutEligibility,
   1203     /// Error returned from [`AttestedCredentialData::from_cbor`].
   1204     AttestedCredential(CredData),
   1205     /// Error returned from [`register::AuthenticatorExtensionOutput::from_cbor`] and
   1206     /// [`auth::AuthenticatorExtensionOutput::from_cbor`].
   1207     AuthenticatorExtension(AuthExt),
   1208     /// [ED](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-ed) bit was 0, but
   1209     /// [`extensions`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-extensions) existed.
   1210     NoExtensionBitWithData,
   1211     /// [ED](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-flags-ed) bit was 1, but
   1212     /// [`extensions`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authdata-extensions) did not exist.
   1213     ExtensionBitWithoutData,
   1214     /// There was trailing data that could not be deserialized.
   1215     TrailingData,
   1216 }
   1217 impl<U, C: Display, A: Display> Display for AuthenticatorDataErr<U, C, A> {
   1218     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
   1219         match *self {
   1220             Self::Len => f.write_str("authenticator data had an invalid length"),
   1221             Self::UserNotPresent(_) => f.write_str("user was not present"),
   1222             Self::FlagsBit1Not0 => f.write_str("flags 1-bit was 1"),
   1223             Self::FlagsBit5Not0 => f.write_str("flags 5-bit was 1"),
   1224             Self::AttestedCredentialData => f.write_str("attested credential data was included during authentication or was not included during registration"),
   1225             Self::BackupWithoutEligibility => {
   1226                 f.write_str("backup state bit was 1 despite backup eligibility being 0")
   1227             }
   1228             Self::AttestedCredential(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
   1229             Self::AuthenticatorExtension(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
   1230             Self::NoExtensionBitWithData => {
   1231                 f.write_str("extension bit was 0 despite extensions existing")
   1232             }
   1233             Self::ExtensionBitWithoutData => {
   1234                 f.write_str("extension bit was 1 despite no extensions existing")
   1235             }
   1236             Self::TrailingData => {
   1237                 f.write_str("slice had trailing data that could not be deserialized")
   1238             }
   1239         }
   1240     }
   1241 }
   1242 impl From<AuthenticatorDataErr<Infallible, AttestedCredentialDataErr, RegAuthExtErr>> for RegAuthDataErr {
   1243     #[inline]
   1244     fn from(value: AuthenticatorDataErr<Infallible, AttestedCredentialDataErr, RegAuthExtErr>) -> Self {
   1245         match value {
   1246             AuthenticatorDataErr::Len => Self::Len,
   1247             AuthenticatorDataErr::UserNotPresent(v) => match v {},
   1248             AuthenticatorDataErr::FlagsBit1Not0 => Self::FlagsBit1Not0,
   1249             AuthenticatorDataErr::FlagsBit5Not0 => Self::FlagsBit5Not0,
   1250             AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredentialData => Self::AttestedCredentialDataNotIncluded,
   1251             AuthenticatorDataErr::BackupWithoutEligibility => Self::BackupWithoutEligibility,
   1252             AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredential(err) => Self::AttestedCredential(err),
   1253             AuthenticatorDataErr::AuthenticatorExtension(err) => Self::AuthenticatorExtension(err),
   1254             AuthenticatorDataErr::NoExtensionBitWithData => Self::NoExtensionBitWithData,
   1255             AuthenticatorDataErr::ExtensionBitWithoutData => Self::ExtensionBitWithoutData,
   1256             AuthenticatorDataErr::TrailingData => Self::TrailingData,
   1257         }
   1258     }
   1259 }
   1260 impl From<AuthenticatorDataErr<(), Infallible, AuthAuthExtErr>> for AuthAuthDataErr {
   1261     #[inline]
   1262     fn from(value: AuthenticatorDataErr<(), Infallible, AuthAuthExtErr>) -> Self {
   1263         match value {
   1264             AuthenticatorDataErr::Len => Self::Len,
   1265             AuthenticatorDataErr::UserNotPresent(()) => Self::UserNotPresent,
   1266             AuthenticatorDataErr::FlagsBit1Not0 => Self::FlagsBit1Not0,
   1267             AuthenticatorDataErr::FlagsBit5Not0 => Self::FlagsBit5Not0,
   1268             AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredentialData => Self::AttestedCredentialDataIncluded,
   1269             AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredential(val) => match val {},
   1270             AuthenticatorDataErr::BackupWithoutEligibility => Self::BackupWithoutEligibility,
   1271             AuthenticatorDataErr::AuthenticatorExtension(err) => Self::AuthenticatorExtension(err),
   1272             AuthenticatorDataErr::NoExtensionBitWithData => Self::NoExtensionBitWithData,
   1273             AuthenticatorDataErr::ExtensionBitWithoutData => Self::ExtensionBitWithoutData,
   1274             AuthenticatorDataErr::TrailingData => Self::TrailingData,
   1275         }
   1276     }
   1277 }
   1278 impl<'a, A> FromCbor<'a> for A
   1279 where
   1280     A: AuthData<'a>,
   1281     A::CredData: FromCbor<'a>,
   1282     A::Ext: FromCbor<'a>,
   1283 {
   1284     type Err = AuthenticatorDataErr<A::UpBitErr, <A::CredData as FromCbor<'a>>::Err, <A::Ext as FromCbor<'a>>::Err>;
   1285     #[expect(clippy::big_endian_bytes, reason = "CBOR integers are in big-endian")]
   1286     fn from_cbor(cbor: &'a [u8]) -> Result<CborSuccess<'a, Self>, Self::Err> {
   1287         /// Length of `signCount`.
   1288         const SIGN_COUNT_LEN: usize = 4;
   1289         /// `UP` bit (i.e., bit 0) set to 1.
   1290         const UP: u8 = 0b0000_0001;
   1291         /// `RFU1` bit (i.e., bit 1) set to 1.
   1292         const RFU1: u8 = UP << 1;
   1293         /// `UV` bit (i.e., bit 2) set to 1.
   1294         const UV: u8 = RFU1 << 1;
   1295         /// `BE` bit (i.e., bit 3) set to 1.
   1296         const BE: u8 = UV << 1;
   1297         /// `BS` bit (i.e., bit 4) set to 1.
   1298         const BS: u8 = BE << 1;
   1299         /// `RFU2` bit (i.e., bit 5) set to 1.
   1300         const RFU2: u8 = BS << 1;
   1301         /// `AT` bit (i.e., bit 6) set to 1.
   1302         const AT: u8 = RFU2 << 1;
   1303         /// `ED` bit (i.e., bit 7) set to 1.
   1304         const ED: u8 = AT << 1;
   1305         cbor.split_at_checked(Sha256::output_size()).ok_or_else(|| AuthenticatorDataErr::Len).and_then(|(rp_id_slice, rp_id_rem)| {
   1306             rp_id_rem.split_first().ok_or_else(|| AuthenticatorDataErr::Len).and_then(|(&flag, flag_rem)| {
   1307                 let user_present = flag & UP == UP;
   1308                 if user_present {
   1309                     Ok(())
   1310                 } else {
   1311                     A::user_is_not_present().map_err(AuthenticatorDataErr::UserNotPresent)   
   1312                 }
   1313                 .and_then(|()| {
   1314                     if flag & RFU1 == 0 {
   1315                         if flag & RFU2 == 0 {
   1316                             let at_bit = A::contains_at_bit();
   1317                             if flag & AT == AT {
   1318                                 if at_bit {
   1319                                     Ok(())
   1320                                 } else {
   1321                                     Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredentialData)
   1322                                 }
   1323                             } else if at_bit {
   1324                                 Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredentialData)
   1325                             } else {
   1326                                 Ok(())
   1327                             }.and_then(|()| {
   1328                                 let bs = flag & BS == BS;
   1329                                 if flag & BE == BE {
   1330                                     if bs {
   1331                                         Ok(Backup::Exists)
   1332                                     } else {
   1333                                         Ok(Backup::Eligible)
   1334                                     }
   1335                                 } else if bs {
   1336                                     Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::BackupWithoutEligibility)
   1337                                 } else {
   1338                                     Ok(Backup::NotEligible)
   1339                                 }
   1340                                 .and_then(|backup| {
   1341                                     flag_rem.split_at_checked(SIGN_COUNT_LEN).ok_or_else(|| AuthenticatorDataErr::Len).and_then(|(count_slice, count_rem)| {
   1342                                         A::CredData::from_cbor(count_rem).map_err(AuthenticatorDataErr::AttestedCredential).and_then(|att_data| {
   1343                                             A::Ext::from_cbor(att_data.remaining).map_err(AuthenticatorDataErr::AuthenticatorExtension).and_then(|ext| {
   1344                                                 if ext.remaining.is_empty() {
   1345                                                     let ed = flag & ED == ED;
   1346                                                     if ext.value.missing() {
   1347                                                         if ed {
   1348                                                             Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::ExtensionBitWithoutData)
   1349                                                         } else {
   1350                                                             Ok(())
   1351                                                         }
   1352                                                     } else if ed {
   1353                                                         Ok(())
   1354                                                     } else {
   1355                                                         Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::NoExtensionBitWithData)
   1356                                                     }.map(|()| {
   1357                                                         let mut sign_count = [0; SIGN_COUNT_LEN];
   1358                                                         sign_count.copy_from_slice(count_slice);
   1359                                                         // `signCount` is in big-endian.
   1360                                                         CborSuccess { value: A::new(rp_id_slice, Flag { user_present, user_verified: flag & UV == UV, backup, }, u32::from_be_bytes(sign_count), att_data.value, ext.value), remaining: ext.remaining, }
   1361                                                     })
   1362                                                 } else {
   1363                                                     Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::TrailingData)
   1364                                                 }
   1365                                             })
   1366                                         })
   1367                                     })
   1368                                 })
   1369                             })
   1370                         } else {
   1371                             Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::FlagsBit5Not0)
   1372                         }
   1373                     } else {
   1374                         Err(AuthenticatorDataErr::FlagsBit1Not0)
   1375                     }
   1376                 })
   1377             })
   1378         })
   1379     }
   1380 }
   1381 /// Data returned by [`AuthDataContainer::from_data`].
   1382 pub(super) struct ParsedAuthData<'a, A> {
   1383     /// The data the CBOR is parsed into.
   1384     data: A,
   1385     /// The raw authenticator data and 32-bytes of trailing data.
   1386     auth_data_and_32_trailing_bytes: &'a [u8],
   1387 }
   1388 /// Error returned by [`AuthResponse::parse_data_and_verify_sig`].
   1389 pub(super) enum AuthRespErr<AuthDataErr> {
   1390     /// Variant returned when parsing
   1391     /// [`clientDataJSON`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatorresponse-clientdatajson)
   1392     /// into [`CollectedClientData`] fails.
   1393     CollectedClientData(CollectedClientDataErr),
   1394     /// Variant returned when parsing
   1395     /// [`clientDataJSON`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatorresponse-clientdatajson)
   1396     /// in a "relaxed" way into [`CollectedClientData`] fails.
   1397     #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
   1398     CollectedClientDataRelaxed(SerdeJsonErr),
   1399     /// Variant returned when parsing [`AuthResponse::Auth`] fails.
   1400     Auth(AuthDataErr),
   1401     /// Variant when the [`CompressedPubKey`] or [`UncompressePubKey`] is not valid.
   1402     PubKey(PubKeyErr),
   1403     /// Variant returned when the signature, if one exists, associated with
   1404     /// [`Self::AuthResponse`] is invalid.
   1405     Signature,
   1406 }
   1407 impl<A: Display> Display for AuthRespErr<A> {
   1408     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
   1409         match *self {
   1410             Self::CollectedClientData(ref err) => write!(f, "CollectedClientData could not be parsed: {err}"),
   1411             #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
   1412             Self::CollectedClientDataRelaxed(ref err) => write!(f, "CollectedClientData could not be parsed: {err}"),
   1413             Self::Auth(ref err) => write!(f, "auth data could not be parsed: {err}"),
   1414             Self::PubKey(err) => err.fmt(f),
   1415             Self::Signature => f.write_str("the signature over the authenticator data and CollectedClientData could not be verified"),
   1416         }
   1417     }
   1418 }
   1419 impl From<AuthRespErr<AttestationObjectErr>> for RegCeremonyErr {
   1420     #[inline]
   1421     fn from(value: AuthRespErr<AttestationObjectErr>) -> Self {
   1422         match value {
   1423             AuthRespErr::CollectedClientData(err) => Self::CollectedClientData(err),
   1424             #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
   1425             AuthRespErr::CollectedClientDataRelaxed(err) => Self::CollectedClientDataRelaxed(err),
   1426             AuthRespErr::Auth(err) => Self::AttestationObject(err),
   1427             AuthRespErr::PubKey(err) => Self::PubKey(err),
   1428             AuthRespErr::Signature => Self::AttestationSignature,
   1429         }
   1430     }
   1431 }
   1432 impl From<AuthRespErr<AuthAuthDataErr>> for AuthCeremonyErr {
   1433     #[inline]
   1434     fn from(value: AuthRespErr<AuthAuthDataErr>) -> Self {
   1435         match value {
   1436             AuthRespErr::CollectedClientData(err) => Self::CollectedClientData(err),
   1437             #[cfg(feature = "serde_relaxed")]
   1438             AuthRespErr::CollectedClientDataRelaxed(err) => Self::CollectedClientDataRelaxed(err),
   1439             AuthRespErr::Auth(err) => Self::AuthenticatorData(err),
   1440             AuthRespErr::PubKey(err) => Self::PubKey(err),
   1441             AuthRespErr::Signature => Self::AssertionSignature,
   1442         }
   1443     }
   1444 }
   1445 /// [Authenticator data](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticator-data)
   1446 /// container.
   1447 ///
   1448 /// Note [`Self::Auth`] may be `Self`.
   1449 pub(super) trait AuthDataContainer<'a>: Sized {
   1450     /// [Authenticator data](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticator-data).
   1451     type Auth: AuthData<'a>;
   1452     /// Error returned from [`Self::from_data`].
   1453     type Err;
   1454     /// Converts `data` into [`ParsedAuthData`].
   1455     ///
   1456     /// # Errors
   1457     ///
   1458     /// Errors iff `data` cannot be converted into `ParsedAuthData`.
   1459     fn from_data(data: &'a [u8]) -> Result<ParsedAuthData<'a, Self>, Self::Err>;
   1460     /// Returns the contained
   1461     /// [authenticator data](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticator-data).
   1462     fn authenticator_data(&self) -> &Self::Auth;
   1463 }
   1464 /// [`AuthenticatorResponse`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticatorresponse).
   1465 pub(super) trait AuthResponse {
   1466     /// [Attestation object](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#attestation-object) or
   1467     /// [authenticator data](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticator-data).
   1468     type Auth<'a>: AuthDataContainer<'a> where Self: 'a;
   1469     /// Public key to use to verify the contained signature.
   1470     type CredKey<'a>;
   1471     /// Parses
   1472     /// [`clientDataJSON`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-authenticatorresponse-clientdatajson)
   1473     /// based on `RELAXED` and [`Self::Auth`] via [`AuthDataContainer::from_data`] in addition to
   1474     /// verifying any possible signature over the concatenation of the raw
   1475     /// [`AuthDataContainer::Auth`] and `clientDataJSON` using `key` or the contained
   1476     /// public key if one exists. If `Self` contains a public key and should not be passed one, then it should set
   1477     /// [`Self::CredKey`] to `()`.
   1478     ///
   1479     /// # Errors
   1480     ///
   1481     /// Errors iff parsing `clientDataJSON` errors, [`AuthDataContainer::from_data`] does, or the signature
   1482     /// is invalid.
   1483     ///
   1484     /// # Panics
   1485     ///
   1486     /// `panic`s iff `relaxed` and `serde_relaxed` is not enabled.
   1487     #[expect(
   1488         clippy::type_complexity,
   1489         reason = "type aliases with bounds are even more problematic at least until lazy_type_alias is stable"
   1490     )]
   1491     fn parse_data_and_verify_sig(&self, key: Self::CredKey<'_>, relaxed: bool) -> Result<(CollectedClientData<'_>, Self::Auth<'_>), AuthRespErr<<Self::Auth<'_> as AuthDataContainer<'_>>::Err>>;
   1492 }
   1493 /// Ceremony response (i.e., [`PublicKeyCredential`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#publickeycredential)).
   1494 pub(super) trait Response {
   1495     /// [`AuthenticatorResponse`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#authenticatorresponse).
   1496     type Auth: AuthResponse;
   1497     /// [`response`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dom-publickeycredential-response).
   1498     fn auth(&self) -> &Self::Auth;
   1499 }
   1500 /// Error returned from [`Ceremony::partial_validate`].
   1501 pub(super) enum CeremonyErr<AuthDataErr> {
   1502     /// Timeout occurred.
   1503     Timeout,
   1504     /// Read [`AuthRespErr`] for information.
   1505     AuthResp(AuthRespErr<AuthDataErr>),
   1506     /// Origin did not validate.
   1507     OriginMismatch,
   1508     /// Cross origin was `true` but was not allowed to be.
   1509     CrossOrigin,
   1510     /// Top origin did not validate.
   1511     TopOriginMismatch,
   1512     /// Challenges don't match.
   1513     ChallengeMismatch,
   1514     /// `rpIdHash` does not match the SHA-256 hash of the [`RpId`].
   1515     RpIdHashMismatch,
   1516     /// User was not verified despite being required to.
   1517     UserNotVerified,
   1518     /// [`Backup::NotEligible`] was not sent back despite [`BackupReq::NotEligible`].
   1519     BackupEligible,
   1520     /// [`Backup::NotEligible`] was sent back despite [`BackupReq::Eligible`].
   1521     BackupNotEligible,
   1522     /// [`Backup::Exists`] was not sent back despite [`BackupReq::Exists`].
   1523     BackupDoesNotExist,
   1524 }
   1525 impl<A: Display> Display for CeremonyErr<A> {
   1526     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
   1527         match *self {
   1528             Self::Timeout => f.write_str("ceremony timed out"),
   1529             Self::AuthResp(ref err) => err.fmt(f),
   1530             Self::OriginMismatch => {
   1531                 f.write_str("the origin sent from the client is not an allowed origin")
   1532             }
   1533             Self::CrossOrigin => {
   1534                 f.write_str("cross origin was from the client, but it is not allowed")
   1535             }
   1536             Self::TopOriginMismatch => {
   1537                 f.write_str("the top origin sent from the client is not an allowed top origin")
   1538             }
   1539             Self::ChallengeMismatch => f.write_str(
   1540                 "the challenge sent to the client does not match the challenge sent back",
   1541             ),
   1542             Self::RpIdHashMismatch => f.write_str(
   1543                 "the SHA-256 hash of the RP ID doesn't match the hash sent from the client",
   1544             ),
   1545             Self::UserNotVerified => f.write_str("user was not verified despite being required to"),
   1546             Self::BackupEligible => f.write_str("credential is eligible to be backed up despite requiring that it not be"),
   1547             Self::BackupNotEligible => f.write_str("credential is not eligible to be backed up despite requiring that it be"),
   1548             Self::BackupDoesNotExist => f.write_str("credential backup does not exist despite requiring that a backup exist"),
   1549         }
   1550     }
   1551 }
   1552 impl From<CeremonyErr<AttestationObjectErr>> for RegCeremonyErr {
   1553     #[inline]
   1554     fn from(value: CeremonyErr<AttestationObjectErr>) -> Self {
   1555         match value {
   1556             CeremonyErr::Timeout => Self::Timeout,
   1557             CeremonyErr::AuthResp(err) => err.into(),
   1558             CeremonyErr::OriginMismatch => Self::OriginMismatch,
   1559             CeremonyErr::CrossOrigin => Self::CrossOrigin,
   1560             CeremonyErr::TopOriginMismatch => Self::TopOriginMismatch,
   1561             CeremonyErr::ChallengeMismatch => Self::ChallengeMismatch,
   1562             CeremonyErr::RpIdHashMismatch => Self::RpIdHashMismatch,
   1563             CeremonyErr::UserNotVerified => Self::UserNotVerified,
   1564             CeremonyErr::BackupEligible => Self::BackupEligible,
   1565             CeremonyErr::BackupNotEligible => Self::BackupNotEligible,
   1566             CeremonyErr::BackupDoesNotExist => Self::BackupDoesNotExist,
   1567         }
   1568     }
   1569 }
   1570 impl From<CeremonyErr<AuthAuthDataErr>> for AuthCeremonyErr {
   1571     #[inline]
   1572     fn from(value: CeremonyErr<AuthAuthDataErr>) -> Self {
   1573         match value {
   1574             CeremonyErr::Timeout => Self::Timeout,
   1575             CeremonyErr::AuthResp(err) => err.into(),
   1576             CeremonyErr::OriginMismatch => Self::OriginMismatch,
   1577             CeremonyErr::CrossOrigin => Self::CrossOrigin,
   1578             CeremonyErr::TopOriginMismatch => Self::TopOriginMismatch,
   1579             CeremonyErr::ChallengeMismatch => Self::ChallengeMismatch,
   1580             CeremonyErr::RpIdHashMismatch => Self::RpIdHashMismatch,
   1581             CeremonyErr::UserNotVerified => Self::UserNotVerified,
   1582             CeremonyErr::BackupEligible => Self::BackupEligible,
   1583             CeremonyErr::BackupNotEligible => Self::BackupNotEligible,
   1584             CeremonyErr::BackupDoesNotExist => Self::BackupDoesNotExist,
   1585         }
   1586     }
   1587 }
   1588 /// [`AllAcceptedCredentialsOptions`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-allacceptedcredentialsoptions).
   1589 ///
   1590 /// This can be sent to _an already authenticated user_ to inform what credentials are currently registered.
   1591 /// This can be useful when a user deletes credentials on the RP's side but does not do so on the authenticator.
   1592 /// When the client forwards this response to the authenticator, it can remove all credentials that don't have
   1593 /// a [`CredentialId`] in [`Self::all_accepted_credential_ids`].
   1594 #[derive(Debug)]
   1595 pub struct AllAcceptedCredentialsOptions<'rp, 'user> {
   1596     /// [`rpId`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-allacceptedcredentialsoptions-rpid).
   1597     pub rp_id: &'rp RpId,
   1598     /// [`userId`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-allacceptedcredentialsoptions-userid).
   1599     pub user_id: UserHandle<&'user [u8]>,
   1600     /// [`allAcceptedCredentialIds`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-allacceptedcredentialsoptions-allacceptedcredentialids).
   1601     pub all_accepted_credential_ids: Vec<CredentialId<Vec<u8>>>,
   1602 }
   1603 /// [`CurrentUserDetailsOptions`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-currentuserdetailsoptions).
   1604 ///
   1605 /// This can be sent to _an already authenticated user_ to inform the user information.
   1606 /// This can be useful when a user updates their user information on the RP's side but does not do so on the authenticator.
   1607 /// When the client forwards this response to the authenticator, it can update the user info for the associated credential.
   1608 #[derive(Debug)]
   1609 pub struct CurrentUserDetailsOptions<'rp, 'user_name, 'user_display_name, 'user_handle> {
   1610     /// [`rpId`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-currentuserdetailsoptions-rpid).
   1611     pub rp_id: &'rp RpId,
   1612     /// [`userId`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-currentuserdetailsoptions-userid),
   1613     /// [`name`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-currentuserdetailsoptions-name), and
   1614     /// [`displayName`](https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#dictdef-currentuserdetailsoptions-displayname).
   1615     pub user: PublicKeyCredentialUserEntity<'user_name, 'user_display_name, &'user_handle [u8]>,
   1616 }
   1617 #[cfg(test)]
   1618 mod tests {
   1619     use super::{CollectedClientDataErr, ClientDataJsonParser, LimitedVerificationParser};
   1620     #[test]
   1621     fn parse_string() {
   1622         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string(br#"abc""#)
   1623             .map_or(false, |tup| { tup.0 == "abc" && tup.1 == br#""# }));
   1624         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(br#"abc"23"#)
   1625             .map_or(false, |tup| { tup.0 == "abc" && tup.1 == br#"23"# }));
   1626         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string(br#"ab\"c"23"#)
   1627             .map_or(false, |tup| { tup.0 == r#"ab"c"# && tup.1 == br#"23"# }));
   1628         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(br#"ab\\c"23"#)
   1629             .map_or(false, |tup| { tup.0 == r#"ab\c"# && tup.1 == br#"23"# }));
   1630         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string(br#"ab\u001fc"23"#)
   1631             .map_or(false, |tup| { tup.0 == "ab\u{001f}c" && tup.1 == br#"23"# }));
   1632         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(br#"ab\u000dc"23"#)
   1633             .map_or(false, |tup| { tup.0 == "ab\u{000d}c" && tup.1 == br#"23"# }));
   1634         assert!(
   1635             LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string(b"\\\\\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\a\\\\\"").map_or(false, |tup| {
   1636                 tup.0 == "\\\\\\a\\\\a\\" && tup.1.is_empty()
   1637             })
   1638         );
   1639         assert!(
   1640             LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(b"\\\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\a\\\\\"").map_or_else(
   1641                 |e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
   1642                 |_| false
   1643             )
   1644         );
   1645         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string(br#"ab\u0020c"23"#).map_or_else(
   1646             |err| matches!(err, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
   1647             |_| false
   1648         ));
   1649         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(br#"ab\ac"23"#).map_or_else(
   1650             |err| matches!(err, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
   1651             |_| false
   1652         ));
   1653         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string(br#"ab\""#).map_or_else(
   1654             |err| matches!(err, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject),
   1655             |_| false
   1656         ));
   1657         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(br#"ab\u001Fc"23"#).map_or_else(
   1658             |err| matches!(err, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
   1659             |_| false
   1660         ));
   1661         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string([0, b'"'].as_slice()).map_or_else(
   1662             |err| matches!(err, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString),
   1663             |_| false
   1664         ));
   1665         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string([b'a', 255, b'"'].as_slice())
   1666             .map_or_else(|err| matches!(err, CollectedClientDataErr::Utf8(_)), |_| false));
   1667         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse_string([b'a', b'"', 255].as_slice()).is_ok());
   1668         assert!(
   1669             LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse_string(br#"""#).map_or(false, |tup| tup.0.is_empty() && tup.1.is_empty())
   1670         );
   1671     }
   1672     #[test]
   1673     fn c_data_json() {
   1674         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1675         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,{}}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1676         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1677         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true,"topOrigin":"bob"}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.map_or(false, |v| v == "bob")));
   1678         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true,"topOrigin":"bob",a}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.map_or(false, |v| v == "bob")));
   1679         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true,"topOrigin":"bob"a}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject), |_| false));
   1680         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,"topOrigin":""}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::TopOriginWithoutCrossOrigin), |_| false));
   1681         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,"topOrigin":""}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Challenge), |_| false));
   1682         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0.is_empty() && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1683         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Type), |_| false));
   1684         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create", "challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::ChallengeKey), |_| false));
   1685         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::OriginKey), |_| false));
   1686         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\\e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://exampl\\e.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1687         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\"e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://exampl\"e.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1688         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\u0013e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://exampl\u{0013}e.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1689         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\3e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1690         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1691         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\u0020.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1692         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\u000A.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1693         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse([].as_slice())
   1694             .map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Len), |_| false));
   1695         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"abc","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidStart), |_| false));
   1696         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject), |_| false));
   1697         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","crossOrigin":false,"origin":"example.com"}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::OriginKey), |_| false));
   1698         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","topOrigin":"bob","crossOrigin":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::CrossOriginKey), |_| false));
   1699         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":"abc"}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::CrossOrigin), |_| false));
   1700         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true"a}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject), |_| false));
   1701         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true","topOrigin":"https://abc.com"a}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject), |_| false));
   1702         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1703         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(b"{\"type\":\"webauthn.get\",\"challenge\":\"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\",\"origin\":\"https://example.com\",\"crossOrigin\":false,\xff}".as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1704         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1705         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true,"topOrigin":"bob"}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.map_or(false, |v| v == "bob")));
   1706         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,"topOrigin":""}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::TopOriginWithoutCrossOrigin), |_| false));
   1707         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,"topOrigin":""}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Challenge), |_| false));
   1708         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0.is_empty() && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1709         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Type), |_| false));
   1710         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get", "challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::ChallengeKey), |_| false));
   1711         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(
   1712             br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","crossOrigin":false}"#
   1713                 .as_slice()
   1714         )
   1715         .map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::OriginKey), |_| false));
   1716         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\\e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://exampl\\e.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1717         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\"e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://exampl\"e.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1718         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\u0013e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://exampl\u{0013}e.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1719         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\3e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1720         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\e.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1721         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\u0020.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1722         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://exampl\u000A.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidEscapedString), |_| false));
   1723         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse([].as_slice())
   1724             .map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Len), |_| false));
   1725         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"abc","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidStart), |_| false));
   1726         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject), |_| false));
   1727         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","crossOrigin":false,"origin":"example.com"}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::OriginKey), |_| false));
   1728         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","topOrigin":"bob","crossOrigin":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::CrossOriginKey), |_| false));
   1729         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":"abc"}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::CrossOrigin), |_| false));
   1730         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true"a}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::InvalidObject), |_| false));
   1731         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":true,"topOrigin":"https://example.com"}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::TopOriginSameAsOrigin), |_| false));
   1732         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create","challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,"foo":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or(false, |val| val.challenge.0 == 0 && val.origin.0 == "https://example.com" && !val.cross_origin && val.top_origin.is_none()));
   1733         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.get","challengE":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossOrigin":false,"foo":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::ChallengeKey), |_| false));
   1734         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::parse(br#"{"type":"webauthn.create"challenge":"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","origin":"https://example.com","crossorigin":false,"foo":true}"#.as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::ChallengeKey), |_| false));
   1735     }
   1736     #[test]
   1737     fn c_data_challenge() {
   1738         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::get_sent_challenge([].as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Len), |_| false));
   1739         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::get_sent_challenge([].as_slice()).map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Len), |_| false));
   1740         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::get_sent_challenge(b"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB").map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Challenge), |_| false));
   1741         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::get_sent_challenge(b"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB").map_or_else(|e| matches!(e, CollectedClientDataErr::Challenge), |_| false));
   1742         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<true>::get_sent_challenge(b"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".as_slice()).map_or(false, |c| c.0 == 0));
   1743         assert!(LimitedVerificationParser::<false>::get_sent_challenge(b"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".as_slice()).map_or(false, |c| c.0 == 0));
   1744     }
   1745 }